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writing this in class hehe

i watched the finale last night, thought about Ky, and cried a lot over the epilogue. Set after Ezra's disappearance. With Ky. Maybe canon for her idk. 

- - - 

"You nearly scared me to death," Kallus looked over to Zeb as the lasat sat next to him on the couch, "that was a stupid thing to do."

Zeb scratched the back of his head, "Yeah... sorry about that."

"What were you thinking, Zeb..?" The former Imperial frowned, looking down. 

"I don't know..." he sighed, "everything happened so quickly. I wasn't thinking."

"And that could have gotten you killed."

"And if I didn't, someone else would have died," Zeb frowned, "maybe you, or Rex. Maybe the kid would have..."

Kallus sighed, "Just... don't scare me like that."

"I can try," he smiled his best, "we're still here Kallus. We're alive."

"I know..." 

"Where is Ky?" he changed the subject, "haven't seen her since we landed."

"Me neither," Kallus shrugged, "I think she was with Mart, but I don't know for sure."

Zeb rolled his eyes, "Ugh... of course she is."

Kallus chuckled, "You know, she doesn't like that you're with me."

"She's gotten better about it," Zeb reminded him, "I'm trying to do the same for her."

"No offense, but you aren't doing very well at it."

"Shush," Zeb shot him somewhat of a glare, "Ezra's being..." Zeb paused, remembering he wasn't there anymore, "karabast..."

"He'll find his way back eventually," Kallus placed a hand on his arm, "don't worry about him."

"It's just... it's a lot to take in," he sighed, "he was there, and then he wasn't. It all happened so quickly."

"I know..."

- - - 

"Kid? You in here?"

Ky quickly wiped her eyes, "Yeah..."

The door to the cockpit swooshed open, as Zeb smiled his best at her, 

"Been lookin for ya."

"I've been here," she glanced back to him, "everything okay?"

"Just wanted to check on ya," he sat down in the seat across from her, "thought you were with Mart."

"I was," she replied, "I wanted some time alone though."

"Yeah, I know that feeling," he smiled his best at her, "long day, huh?"

She nodded a little, sighing, "I know we won... but it still feels like we lost."

Zeb frowned, placing his paw on her shoulder, causing her to look at him with tear filled eyes. Ky stared at him, holding back from sobbing. The lasat noticed the tears in her eyes, and that she was looking away from him. 

"Talk to me kid..." he gave her shoulder a tight squeeze. She bit her lip, taking a deep breath before responding, 

"Why didn't he tell me...?"

Zeb's ears flopped, as he watched a few tears fall down Ky's face. He sighed, 

"He didn't tell any of us."

"But he told Mart?" Ky scoffed, "this whole thing was my plan. And he didn't bother to tell me that it was going to go wrong."

"He knew you'd try to find a way around it," Zeb told her, "he knew that if he told you, you wouldn't let him go."

"But there could have been a way around it..."

"There could've," Zeb replied, "but if we did try and stop him, maybe things could have gone badly. We could have lost more than what we did."

"I mean..." she looked to him, then back down. She paused, then sighed, "I guess your right."

He smiled a little, "I always am." He playfully punched her arm, hoping it would cheer her up. Her lips curled up a bit, 

"Uh-huh, sure." She replied sarcastically. 

"Hey, I am!"

Ky rolled her eyes, standing up, "Keep telling yourself that."

- - - 

Some Ky and Zeb to brighten your day. For now this is canon for Ky, but I might change that.

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