Hamilton/Rebels Again

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I'm so sorry for the lack of updates, but I've been verrryyyyy busy. Here I am. I know some of you don't like these mashups, but I do have ideas for actual one-shots. They will come soon. I promise. Here's something to keep you occupied for now. 

Here you go. 

Attalon(The Galaxy Turned Upside Down)- Ezra Addition

Company- The Battle of Attalon. 2 BBY. 

Kallus- Monsieur Bridger! (he speaks french now.)

Ezra- Monsieur Kallus!

Kallus- In command where you belong. 

Ezra- How you say no sweat! We're finally on the field, we've had quite a run. 

Kallus- Rebels,

Ezra/Kallus- We get the job done. 

Ezra- So what happens if we win?

Kallus- I stay with the rebels, bring freedom from the Empire, if I'm giving the chance. 

Ezra- We'll be with you when you do. 

Kallus- Go, lead you're men!

Ezra- I'll see you on the other side. 

Kallus- Till we meet again, let's go! 

Company- I am not throwing away my shot. I am not throwing away my shot. Hey yo I'm just like my country I'm young, scrappy, and hungry. I am not throwing away my shot. 

Company- I am not throwing away my shot. 

Ezra- Till the world turns upside down! 

Company- Till the world turns upside down!!!

Ezra- I imagine death so much it feels more like a memory. This is where sit gets me, on my feet the enemy ahead of me. If this is the end of me at least I have my friends with me, weapon in my hand, a command, and my men with me. 

Ezra- Then I remember Sabine's expecting me. She needs me to help her home.

Ezra- We gotta go, gotta fight till the end, gotta stop the Empire, gotta help Sabine. Take the bullets out your gun!

Company- What?

Ezra- The bullets out you gun. We move under cover and we move as one. Through the night we have one shot, to live another day. We can not let a stray shot give us away. We will fight close, seize the moment and stay in it. It's either that our meet our ends to the Empire. The code word is Mandalore!

Company- Mandalore!

Ezra- You have you orders now go man go!

Ezra- And so the rebel experiment begins, with my friends all scattered to the winds. Kanan is finding help, redefining bravery. 

Ezra/Kanan- We'll never be free without trust in the force!

Ezra- When we finally draw the Imps away, Kallus is waiting,

Kallus/Ezra- At Yavin base!

Ezra- How do we know this plan would work, we have our muscle distracting! That's right,


Zeb- A lasat fighting fist to fist with the Imps. I take their heads and smash 'em together. Tell my brothers I'll see them again on the other side. I'm running with Captain Rex, and I am loving it! See that's what happens when your up against the Imps. We fighting now, there is no stopping it! Garazeb Orrelious, I need no Introduction! When you knock me down I get right back up again!

Zeb- Whooo! 

Company- Left! Right! Hold! 

Company- Go! What! What! What!

Ezra- After hours of fighting the skies start to get dark. 

Kallus- We lower our guns as the Empire  finally flees. 

Zeb- And just like that it's over, we tend to our wounded, we count our dead. 

Kanan- All of are soldiers, wonder if this really means freedom. 

Hera- Not yet. 

Ezra- We start to evacuate everyone. I see Hera begin to smile. We start to prepare the ships. We stagger to safety ship by ship. Tens of thousands of our men ready. Theres are screams and ships taking off.  As we leave, I hear the drinking song they sing. 

Company- The galaxy turned upside down. The galaxy turned upside down. The galaxy turned upside down. 

Full Company- The galaxy turned upside down! 

Company- Down, down! Down down! 

Kallus- Freedom for Rebels! Freedom for the people!

Company- Down, down! Down down! 

Ezra- Gotta stop the Empire. Gotta help Sabine!

Company- Down, down! Down down! 

Zeb- We won!

Kallus- We won!

Zeb/Kallus/Kanan- We won!

Company- We won! 

Full Company- The galaxy turned upside down! 

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