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A/N: I miss Rebels. Thanks for 5K, and I am in a writers block for "Keep Them Safe", so that will be updated some other time. 

This might be really weird, but if you like this one-shot I will make it into a new book. Enjoy it!

"Hera, I'm sorry. I have to help Lothal." Ezra stated. "This is the only way."

"It can't be! There has to be some other way! There always is!" she exclaimed, and Ezra saw the tears in her eyes. She took a breath, "I can't lose you too."

"You won't, Hera. I promise." He told her. She shook her head. 

"I'm not letting you go. Not alone." she stated. "I'm going with you."

"You heard Thrawn! He wants me alone!" Ezra argued, grabbing her shaking hands. 

"Ezra, I'm a rebellion general. He will want me captured. I am staying with you. No matter what." she stated. He sighed in defeat, looking over to Sabine. She was staring at the two, sadly. 

"Alright." Ezra said, looking back to Hera. He walked over to Sabine and grabbed her hands, placing his saber into them. She looked down at it, 

"Ezra, you'll need this." she stated. He shook his head,

"So will you. You know how to work it, you had the best trainer you could get." he told her. She pulled him into a hug, letting out a shaky breath. 

"Be careful..." she muttered, as they pulled apart. She looked at Hera, "Both of you."

"We will. Get that shield up. We'll find you." Hera promised. Sabine nodded as Zeb and Ezra pulled each other into a hug. 

"Kanan would be proud, kid." the lasat stated. Ezra smiled at him and looked over to Kallus. The man simply gave a small nod, and Ezra did the same. 

"May the force be with you." Rex told them. They nodded, and walked out. Sabine could see Hera staring at her until the door closed. 

"Alright Ezra, what's your plan?" Sabine quietly asked.


"Captain Syndulla. General Syndulla. I told the boy to come alone." Trawn stated, as the two walked n with blasters to their backs. 

"We come as a team." Hera coldly stated, glaring at him. He simply looked away for a moment, and back to them. 

"Alright. Guards, restrain them both." he commanded. Two stormtroopers took out a pair of handcuffs and put them on the rebels. They walked back to where they were and Thrawn walked to the door.  "Follow me, please."

Hera and Ezra were both pushed forwards a little, and they walked behind Thrawn. The guards stayed where they were and the door closed behind them.  

"Where are you taking us?" Hera questioned. Thrawn didn't even look back as they continued walking. Soon enough, they arrived in a room, a hologram of someone with their back facing them inside, and a piece of stone from the temple. The door form the temple.

"My Emperor, here is Bridger. General Syndulla will be staying with him." Thrawn stated. When he said the simple word, Emperor, Hera and Ezra's eyes widened. The hologram faced the three, and spoke, 

"Very well. Leave us be, Grand Admiral." he replied. Thrawn nodded, and walked out of the room. "Step forwards."

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Ezra was the first to step forward. Hera looked at him, fear and shock rising throughout her body. She walked behind him, wondering what Kanan would think of this. What he would do right now. Protect Ezra. They walked into the temple door, seeing a small light in the distance. The holographic Emperor stood behind them.

"What is this?" Ezra questioned, stopping and turning around to face the man. "Why is the door to the temple here?"

"You have choices, to change everything. Anything you wish could happen here. If I allow it, anyways."

"What do you need Ezra for?" Hera asked, speaking up. The man somehow removed the handcuffs from each of their hands. 

"Like I told you, you both have choices. Take a look at one of them, one I thought Bridger would enjoy." he explained, gesturing to the light. Ezra stepped forwards, Hera following his every move. He stopped when he realized what he was looking at. 

"Mom? Dad?"

"You can open the door wight he force there," Palpatine stated, gesturing to a small piece of the stone that seemed like a force useable lock. Ezra placed his hand on the force that kept him and his parents separated. Hera placed her hand on his shoulder, 

"It's okay. Go with them." she told him. He looked at her, tears forming in his eyes. 

"What about Hera?" Ezra asked the Emperor. 

"She will be given a choice too. You could even go together if you chose." he responded, as the image behind the barrier changed. Ezra and Hera stared, at a man with a green shirt and brown pants on. His hair tied back in a ponytail. Two small children were playing in the background. Hera stared at it, tears forming in her eyes. 

"Kanan?" she whispered. The picture of the man didn't move,  he could hear her with the barrier. 

"What about Sabine? A-and Zeb? What will happen to them?!?" Ezra begged, as a small tears fell form his face. Hera didn't even move, she was seeing her lover. 

"You could find them in this world. They would be safe, the girl the same place she was before she joined your crew. The lasat where he was." Palpatine continued. "You could find them again."

"Ezra..." Hera muttered, making him looked over. Hera whispered something, not even the Emperor could hear, into the boy's ear. They moved away, and he nodded. He opened the door to Kanan, letting Hera in. She stepped inside, and Ezra kept the door partially open, so he could make sure she was safe. He smiled seeing the two embrace, seeing Hera's face light up when they saw each other. 

"What is your choice?" 

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