Snuggling- Moved from Sabine and Kanan One-shots

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Kanan isn't blind in this, set after Trials of the Darksaber. Enjoy!

The speeder pulled up to the Ghost and Hera slowly walked out, a small smile on her face to see the rest of her crew coming back after days of training. That smile faded when she saw Sabine step out and walk in the opposite direction of the ship. Kanan and Ezra headed towards Hera, and Rau walked to the ship where he stayed in. Hera stared at the two boys in sadness.

"Is she alright?" Hera questioned, concerned. Ezra looked back to Sabine and then to Hera again, shaking his head. Hera placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at Kanan. He looked back to her, sadly. Hera mouthed the words, We should talk.

"Ezra, go rest. We'll make sure Sabine's okay." Kanan stated. The boy nodded and walked to his cabin, where Zeb was already snoring away. He laid on his bunk and stared at the ceiling, thinking about the days events.


"What happened out there?" Hera continued, gesturing to Sabine.

"It's hard to explain, and either way, I don't know if Sabine wants too many people knowing about it. You know how she is."

"You should talk to her then, make sure she's alright." Hera suggested. Kanan nodded and looked over to Sabine. Hera sighed and walked to her own cabin for the night. Kanan walked towards the girl he thought of as his daughter, and stepped behind her silently. His eyes widened when he realized she was crying.

"Sabine?" He softly called out, placing a hand on her shoulder. She quickly wiped her tears away and face him, but a few more fell down her face.

"I'm okay..." she cried.

"No your not." He stated, placing his other hand on her other shoulder. He realized she was shaking and his expression softened even more.

"No, really. I'm fine. Just-"

"Sabine, I know your still upset about what happened." He cut her off. She looked up to him and let out another cry, and when she did, Kanan pulled her into a warm embrace. She melted into it, softly crying on his chest.

"I didn't want you to see me like that..." she cried. "Weak. Vulnerable. That's gotta be all you see when you look at me." He looked down at her, shocked at her words. He gently rubbed her back.

"No, of course not. We all have our moments like that. We all have a breaking point." He explained. "I pushed you too far, and I'm sorry for it."

"It's not your fault." She stated. He smiled and rested his chin on the top of her head, continued to rub her back. She continued crying for a few minutes. Once she was able to stop to take a breath, she moved away from his embrace, still crying a little bit, taking in sharp breaths.

"Wanna try and get some sleep?" He asked her. She shook her head and he frowned at her response.

"Go ahead, I don't think I'll be able to." She told him, "I'll be fine."

"You need sleep." He argued.

"I won't be able to matter how much I try." She replied. "No matter how exhausted I am."

"Come on, I got an idea" he told her, as he placed a hand on her shoulder once again. She looked up to him, wondering what he was thinking. She nodded and he guided her to their home on the Ghost. Kanan walked into his own room and waited for Sabine to follow. Instead, she stood at the door, ashamed.

"I'll be fine...really. I've stayed up all night before." She stated. He shook his head and guided her inside.

"Lay down, Sabine." He softly commanded. SHe looked at him for a moment, and nodded. She laid onto the bed, and Kanan removed his boots and his weapons. Sabine looked down to her body, realizing her blasters were still at her side, her armor was on, and she still had her boots on too. She stood back up and started to walk out of the room. "Sabine, no one will be mad at you or see you any differently if you sleep in here."

"I know." She simply said. "I just need to go change up. I'll be back in a sec."


Hera placed a plate of food in front of both Zeb and Ezra and looked to the empty seats of the Jedi and Mandalorian.

"Kid, you sure Kanan and 'Bine came back with ya?" Zeb questioned. Ezra nodded and looked to Hera for a moment.

"I don't know how long they were up last night. I'm doubting Sabine slept. Kanan said she had a rough day yesterday." Hera told the lasat.

"Yeah, she did..." Ezra muttered, Hera looking to him.

"I'll go and get them up." She stated, as she walked out of the room. The boys continued eating, both worrying for the young girl.


Hera walked down the hall of the Ghost. She stopped at Kanan's door, hearing the sound of faint breathing. He was in there. Hera opened the door, being surprised by the sight she was greeted with. Sabine was wrapped up in a blanket, her head against Kanan's chest. Kanan was resting his chin on her head, his arms wrapped around her.

"Hey you two." Hera greeted, making both of them jump up. Sabine stared at Hera, ashamed.

"Morning Hera..." Kanan greeted, moving his hair out of his face. He placed a hand on Sabine' s shoulder making her relax.

"Breakfast is ready if you want some." She stated, as she walked out of the room. Kanan smiled at her and then looked to Sabine as the door closed.

"Sleep well?" He asked. She nodded and smiled at him.

"Yeah, I did."

"Good," he replied. He looked at her in the eyes, worried, "Sabine, you said you've been up all night before. When was it?"

"When you were captured.";

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