Haunted By The Past (Please read the AN at the bottom after the chapter.)

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Set in season two, before the Lasat episode(i can't remember the name comment it.)
Hera's POV

The mission. Everything went wrong... I didn't want Sabine to be hurt. I didn't want her to come. She was heartbroken.

I walked into her room and saw her resting her head in her hands and  tears were dripping down her cheeks.

"Sabine..." I muttered, making her look up. Her eyes were red, and there were tears filling them. I placed my hand on her shoulder, and kissed her forehead. She leaned against my chest, I rubbed her back in circles.

"I didn't want you to know..." she cried. I let go of her to look at her face. I saw her hands shaking and her taking quiet and quick breaths.

"Honey, sometimes it's good to know the past." I told her.

"No it isn't!" She yelled out. She stood up and tried to walk away, but I grabbed her small shaking hands.

"Is everything okay?" Ezra asked as the door opened. Sabine turned around, so she didn't have to look at anyone. She didn't want them to see her like this.

"Not really Ezra. Can you go get Kanan and Zeb and tell them to meet in the common room for me?" I asked.

"Yeah sure." Ezra mumbled in a worried tone. He smiled at Sabine, thinking it might cheer her up. He walked away as the door closed.

"Dry those tears." I told Sabine, as I placed my hands on the girl's cheeks, using her thumbs to wipe away any remaining tears. Sabine looked up at me.

"What are you doing?" She cried.

"We're gonna help you." I cooed her. Sabine nodded and more tears fell form her face.

I met with the crew in the common room, leaving Sabine in her room for a few moments.

"Is Sabine okay?" Ezra asked, looking up. I shook my head.

"It's her past. It's haunting her after that mission. It's breaking her." I started. "We need to help her, we need to help each other."

"I'm confused..." Ezra muttered.

"We are all telling everything from our past that haunts us to each other. No matter what." I explained. They all looked up to me in fear. I knew they all had secrets. I knew them to well to know when they were hiding something.

"What? Hera, are you sure that's a good idea?" Kanan asked.  I nodded.

"Yes, we all need to face our demons." I stated. I smiled at Ezra, and her shook his head.

"I don't like this..." he muttered.

"Same here." Zeb replied in agreement.

"We don't have to like it, we need to do it." I commanded. Kanan looked at Ezra, seeing the tears starting to already form in his eyes.

"Alright.." Kanan muttered.

"I'm gonna grab Sabine." I told them. They nodded as I walked back to Sabine's cabin, seeing her small body sitting on her bed.

"What are you doing?" She cried.

"We're helping you, honey. Just come with me." I told her. She shook her head. "Trust me.."

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