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Between Mykapo and Lasan I will do a few break random one shots, probably some Kanera and some space mom stuff. 3 more chapters until then I think

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"What are you doing?!" An older woman yelled, grabbing the two young theelins by their shoulders. The youngest of the two pouted, crossing his arms and looking up to the elderly woman,

"We were just playing Nana!"

"You know better than that," she scolded them, "we must stay hidden at all times."

"Nana," the teenager mumbled, placing her hand on her brother's shoulder, "there's no guards around. We were being careful."

"If you were being careful then you wouldn't be out here alone!"

"I can handle myself!" She protested, "mother taught me how to fight, I have a knife on me. I can protect him and myself."

"You are never safe, Gooti," their grandmother responded, "don't you remember what happened to your aunt and your mother? We thought were were safe then. And look what happened."

The boy looked down, running off to their hideout, leaving his sister and grandmother outside.

"Nana," Gooti looked down, pausing before she spoke, "I'm sorry."

It wasn't what she wanted to say. She wanted to tell her grandmother how Vasli was still a child, and how he should get to play in the woods and laugh and dream. How he didn't need to be hidden away all the time. She wanted to tell her grandmother that she could protect her brother.

She never got to say that. They had lasted two days before a bomb went off in their hideout. Nana didn't make it. The guards had ripped Valsi and Gooti away from her burning body, imprisoning them. Chained to the wall, they forced Gooti to watch her brother choke on his own blood, poisoned by a drink Iris gave him. Somehow she made it out after that, but that part escaped her mind. And then she was alone for weeks, injured and hiding in alleyways, barely eating scraps.

Until Mart had found her. He too had lost his family, most of them anyways. And he brought her back to Jonner and R3, helping her heal and get back to her full health. Telling her how they were forming a resistance group on Mykapo. Offering her a position on their ship.

Offering a chance to avenge her parents, her aunt, her grandmother, and her little brother. If she couldn't protect them, then that had to mean something.

"Mart..." she turned her head to the side, forcing herself to keep her eyes open, even though her vision was blurry.

There was someone on the ground in the center of the room, well, what was left of the room. The glass was shattered everywhere, Gooti was almost certain a piece made it into her shoulder.

She clenched her fist, her arm was wrapped around her abdomen. There was something wet on her fingers, soaking through her gloves. She lifted her hand shakily, after a few minutes she was able to focus her vision on the crimson blood soaked through it.

That's right, she had been hit by a spear. She was probably going to bleed out any minute.

There was so much smoke, making her cough harshly and her eyes burn. You have to get up. You can't give up now. Her grandmothers echoed through her mind.

Someone fired a blaster in the distance, there was yelling and talking. She couldn't see who it was. She coughed again, forcing herself onto her side and then onto her knees, the pain in her chest impossible to ignore. And her head was spinning with every move.

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