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Hsnsnejfjsns I don't know what to write

I miss commander Sato sooooooo

Inspired by Astrisia 's "if we could say goodbye" series on ao3 (go check it out)

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"Now, is our time to strike."

There was a pause, no one in the command center said anything for a moment. Hera held her breath, watching as Senator Mothma and General Dodanna shared a look, both turning to the hologram of Senator Organa, who was so considering the risks and the possibilities.

"With General Syndulla leading the attack," someone spoke up from behind her, "the odds are with us."

"Commander Sato," Mothma nodded to him, "you came back from your mission at the right time."

"Indeed I have," he stood next to Hera, who smiled softly at him, nodding to her in return, "this attack has been a long time coming. We already have people on the ground."

"And if this attack fails, then it could destroy everything we've worked so hard to build," Mothma argued, "even with the best pilots and fighters we have, Thrawn has overpowered us before. He seems to always be on step ahead."

"And if we don't do this, then there will be no purpose for what we've worked to build."

Hera bit her lip, watching as Mothma and Dodanna shared another look, having a conversation through their eyes and expressions.

"You may take any pilots who volunteer for this mission," she sighed in defeat, "but if it goes wrong, we won't be able to extract you."

"Thank you, Senator," Hera straightened up, "I can work with that."

- - -

"Even though she said she wouldn't be able to extract you," Sato began, placing his hand on the twi'lek's shoulder, "I will come if needed."

"No, you're needed here," she responded, turning to face him, smiling her best, "it'll be fine. If things go wrong, hopefully Ezra and Kanan can get any survivors back to base."

Sato nodded a little, his eyes looking around the readying pilots, pausing on the trio embracing near an X-wing,

"There's no talking him out of it, is there?"

Hera nodded a little, "I'll take care of him."

Sato smiled softly, "You have my gratitude, General."

"You have mine," she chuckled, "this attack wouldn't be happening if you hadn't intervened with Mothma."

"War is not her strong point," he shrugged, "she hasn't been on the front lines as much as you or I have."

"You do have a point," she sighed, brushing her hand over Chopper's dome, the droid beeping softly as she turned back to Sato, "hopefully I'll see you within a few days."

"You will," Sato smiled softly, saluting her, "you've come far since the beginnings of Phoenix Squadron. I'm glad to be under your command."

She chuckled, "Still sounds weird, me outranking you."

"It suits you."

Hera smiled softly, climbing into her ship, taking a deep breath,

"Sato," she called to him, "thank you. For everything."

Sato smiled softly, watching as the hatch closed, General Syndulla taking off with her squadron behind her.

- - -

Hera groaned, opening her eyes slowly to the sound of rapid beeping and the smell of smoke taking over.

She sat up weakly, noticing the droid in front of the hatch,


Somehow she got herself out of the cockpit, her body aching, waves of nausea coming every few seconds as she leaned against the nearby wall to keep standing.

"Phoenix leader, I'm picking up enemy fighters at point 5!"

Chopper rolled next to her, a crowd of civilians staring at them from the streets. Hera held her arm, which seemed to hurt the most out of everything. Everything was still foggy. One second she was on Yavin, and now she was crashed on the streets of Lothal.


That wasn't real. She lead the attack through the blockade, some of the pilots didn't make it. The second they entered the atmosphere, squadrons of TIEs shot them down. Had anyone else made it? She had to look for them, she had to help them. She made a promise to Sato to take care of Mart.

No. That wasn't real either. Sato died on Attalon. That promise was one she made to herself, that she'd look after Mart, to honor Sato and his sacrifice.

The twi'lek placed her hand on her stomach, grabbing her blaster from its holster.

This child wouldn't have a life if it wasn't for Sato. She had to find Mart. She had to get him out of the city, to safety.

She had to.

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I strongly believe Hera made a promise to keep Mart safe. If not, it's a part of my headcanons.

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