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This one shot happens while Ezra. Zeb, and Jai are getting the hyperdrive during "Kindred". 

Warning: mature content, kinda. 

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Kanan smiled softly, feeling Hera and Sabine on top of the U-Wing repairing the ship. He could hear them talking to each other, Sabine was telling Hera about an art idea. The twi'lek was listening to her, with a smile on her face. Kanan knew she looked to Sabine as a daughter, and for that moment Hera felt as though everything was normal. She didn't feel like they were barely surviving or fighting the Empire. She felt like she was just spending time with her family. 

But they weren't. As soon as Ezra and the others got back, Hera and Chopper were leaving for Yavin. They were going to try. But they might not succeed. They might be captured or worse. 

Sabine glanced over to Kanan, then looked to Hera, "I think he's waiting for you." She smirked. Hera placed her hand on Sabine's shoulder, looking over to Kanan. The Jedi smiled at the two, 

"Hera," he started, "can we speak in private?"

She nodded, stepping down from the top of the ship, nodding to Sabine. The Mandalorian smirked, as she went back to her repairs.

"Something wrong?" Hera asked Kanan, as they walked to the caves. 

"No," he sighed, "well... kind of."

She frowned, knowing exactly what he was going to say, "Kanan. I'll be fine."

"Doesn't matter," he frowned, "I still have the right to worry." She smiled softly, placing her hand on his arm, 

"I'll be back before you know it."

He looked down, feeling the warmth of her presence in front of him. She gave his arm a squeeze when he paused, making him frown, 

"I don't want to lose you..." he muttered, "I can't lose you."

Hera was caught of guard by his words, finding herself speechless for a second, "Oh..." she uttered, then cleared her throat, and forced somewhat of a smile, "You won't, Kanan. I promise you won't."

He tried to smile back at her, but he couldn't. There was a burning feeling that he wasn't going to be with her much longer. 

"I love you, Hera."

Once again, the twi'lek was caught of guard. She stared at him, unsure what to say. She didn't know if she should say it back to him. She didn't know what to say. 

Kanan frowned, scratching the back of his head, "I'm sorry... that just-"

Hera kissed him. She leaned foreword before he could finish his sentence, and gave him a long kiss on the lips. This time, Kanan was the one who found himself caught off guard, but he smiled after a second, leaning into her kiss. He placed her hands around her waist, making her part from their kiss, 

She looked up to him, "The kids..."

"They won't see." 

She looked back, seeing Sabine still working on the U-Wing, not noticing Hera and Kanan in the caves. 

- - - 

Hera snuggled against Kanan's chest, holding his hand. 

"You okay?" he asked, a little out of breath. 

"Yeah..." she replied, chuckling, "we're getting old." He kissed the top of her head, 

"Could be worse," he joked, "we could be like Ryder, cranky all the time."

Hera snorted, kissing him again. He kissed back, making sure to hide that the feeling of losing her was still there. 

- - - 

Hera paced around the Ghost, tears burning her eyes as she waited. Everything happened at once. Now she was going into battle on Lothal, and putting an unborn child into danger. 

Maybe. She didn't know yet. Maybe it was just anxiety. 

The small device beeped in her pocket, she picked it up, staring at it. Hera paled, seeing that the device read positive

"General?" Mart walked into the hallway, raising a brow at her, "we're ready." Two pilots, Duke and Cleat stood behind them, each holding their helmets in their arms. Hera took a deep breath, shoving the device in her pocket and nodding, 

"Alright," she replied, "let's go."

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