The Effects Of War (1)

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Mart and Ky shit because why not

I'm out of ideas

Help me

Let's hope this turns out okay

Sorry for not posting one shots

Ky and Mart aren't together in this one yet. Before they're "official"
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"I know..." a warm set of arms wrapped around Ky's shaking body, as she cried softly, "I know."

"Everything's gone," a sob escaped her mouth, "it's all..."

"It's not all gone," he gave her a squeeze, "can you make it to the bunk?"

She nodded a little, as his arm wrapped around her waist and lifted her to her feet. She looked to him, sniffling, as he kept his arm around her and guided her to her temporary bunk.

"Thanks..." she wiped her face with her sleeve, "I'm sorry... I just..."

"It's okay," he sat next to her, "it's been a long couple of days."

"We just lost... everything."

"Not everything," he smiled softly, hoping it would give her some sort of comfort, "I'm still here. We've still got your mother, and Sabine, and Ezra, and Zeb."

"Yeah," she shrugged, blinking away the few remaining tears, "it's just... never mind."

"Ky, talk to me."

Ky rubbed her hands over her knees, taking a deep breath,

"We shouldn't be here..." she stated, "but we are. Out of everyone on that attack force, we made it out alive."

"Barely," he replied, "take a look at yourself. We got lucky."

"But we still made it!" She practically yelled, pausing and putting her head in her hands, "if this is what being a commander is... than I don't know if I can keep doing it."

"What do you mean..?"

"Losing squadron after squadron," she looked back up to him, "Cleat. Duke. R3... karabast I didn't even know all their names."

"They all died for something they believed in."

"Yeah," she shrugged, "but maybe they didn't have to. You know?"

"I get it," he told her, placing a hand on her shoulder, "I really do. But they're gone, Ky. We can't change that."

"Did any of them have a family?"

"R3 had Gooti, Jonner, and me," Mart sighed, "other than that, I don't know."

"Cleat and Duke were my friends," Ky frowned, "when my mom was still on Lothal, and I was back at Yavin with you guys... they were apart of most of the missions I was on."

"I know," he looked down, "they were my friends too."

"And Kanan..." she paused, running her hand over her hair, "it doesn't even feel real."

He nodded a little, looking back to her, "You should get some rest."

Ky glanced over to him, "Yeah... you should too." He stood up, giving her shoulder a squeeze,

"Comm me, if you need anything."

"I will..."

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Pretty short but it's something

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