Choices Part 2

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"H-Hera?" he stuttered. Hera pulled him into a hug, and slowly he wrapped his arms around her, melting into her warm embrace. 

"We need to go. You have to trust me." Hera told him, quickly. She grabbed his hand. 

"What?!? Hera-"

"Trust me, please. We don't have much time!" she continued, trying to pull him to where she remembered the door was. She had just entered the fantasy, so she hadn't changed much yet. Her com link still sat on her belt. 

"How are you here?" Kanan questioned. Hera looked at him in surprise. He didn't live with her? She was just meeting him for the first time again? Were Ezra's parents the same way?

"Kanan, I swear. I will explain everything to you but we need to go! Now!" she exclaimed. He shook his head. 

"Hera, I can't leave my kids. Our kids!" 

"We don't have kids Kanan! None of this is real! I have to bring you back. I have to make you real again!" she yelled. She grabbed her com, and spoke, "Ezra, be ready!"

"Got it Hera!" Ezra replied as he was ready to open the door again. The Emperor looked at him, astonished. 

"No!" he yelled, as Ezra opened the door a little bit more. He could see Hera and Kanan more clearly now, but what he saw didn't seem like it was good. They were arguing, it looked as though Kanan wasn't coming back. A small child raced to his arms, and he held her closely. 

"Hera, I can't leave!" he stated. "This isn't real, you're right! You died when the twins were born!"

"Kanan, love. Please." she begged. "Please!"

"I can't leave them to fend for themselves. Not like how we left the others."

"Kanan!" she screamed. "Please!"

"Go!" he yelled back, as the girl snuggled against his chest. He looked down to her, muttering, "It's okay baby girl."

"Kanan," Hera cried, "maybe...maybe we can bring them with us. They can live on the Ghost, get to be wight the crew. Please, I can't loose you again." Kanan looked back up to her, holding the small child in his arms, as tightly as possible. 

"Okay..." he muttered, looking over to the boy who was staring at the three of them. "Caleb, come on."

"Yes daddy." he replied, as he raced over. He looked over Hera, she smiled in relief that her lover was coming back home. As long as this worked. The boy, Caleb, grasped Kanan's hand. Hera picked up her com link again. She sighed and looked to them, then to the door. She was already able to see a blurry figure of Ezra. 



The twi'lek laid on the ground, unconscious. Two small children were the same way, a few feet away from her. Ezra and Kanan were fighting guards side by side, just like the old times. Hera stirred, seeing them again. They both only had the force, no weapons. Hera tried to lift herself up, but fell back down quickly. 

After the guards were all on the ground, dead, Ezra and Kanan raced over to Hera and the children. Ezra helped Hera stand and she almost collapsed.

"Woah, woah, easy" he told her. She gave a weak smile, as they both looked over to Kanan. He was trying to wake up his kids, and Ezra just looked to Hera. 

"Their his kids..." she told him. "Our kids."

Ezra stared at her in shock, she smiled at him. He smiled back. 

"Come on, wake up." Kanan muttered, as he continued to gently shake his daughter.

"Kanan, we need to go." Hera weakly stated, as Ezra helped her walk over to him. He looked back at the two, giving a small nod. He carefully picke dup both of his kids, letting each of them rest their heads on his shoulders. 

"Where are we heading?" Ezra questioned, looking up to Hera. 

"Escape pods. We'll let Sabine know where we are once we land." Hera answered. 

"Let's go home."

Ooooooo, only one part left for "Choices"!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy it!

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