Crash Landing

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Sorry for the lack of updates, but I'm getting back into Rebels- and I'm meeting Vanessa Marshal at the comic con I'm going to. I'm soooooo excited!!!!!!!!!!

Here's an update. Probably going to be depressing because I can't write something without killing a character.

There's a new update on SWR with Ky, so be sure to check that out if you are interested!

Based during season 3, before they know Kallus was fulcrum. And Ky's here because I love her.

From now on, unless otherwise stated, a oneshot will not be canon to Ky's storyline. Of you want her "canon" story, check out the other fanfic mentioned above.


Hera groaned, as she placed her hand on her forehead, her head pounding. She looked over to Kanan, who was still unconscious. Ezra was just waking up as well, as she got out of her seat to help him stand. He leaned onto her, coughing,

"I'm okay..." he tells her, "really."

Hera nods, shaking Kanan, "Kanan, Kanan get up."

He groans, placing his hand on the cut on his head. Hera keeps one hand on Kanan's shoulder, the other on Ezra's.

"What happened..?" Kanan asks, looking around, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," she reassures him, looking back to Ezra, "we're fine."

Kanan gets up, with her help. He kisses her quick, then looks at the control panel,

"We need to get out of here, I don't think the Ghost can be repaired this time." He says. Hera frowns, but nods.

"The Empire will be here soon, come on," she gestures to head out, looking back to Ezra, "Kanan and I are going to get the ramp open. Get the others, make sure they're okay."

"Okay, got it." Ezra heads to the nose gun, going to get Sabine. Hera looks to Kanan as they head down to the ramp. Kanan tries using the force to open it, but it doesn't work. He sighs,

"We need another way out."

"Kanan! Hera!" Ezra yells. Hera was first to run to the nose gun, Kanan following close behind. Ezra looked back to them as they came in the room. Sabine wasn't anywhere in sight. The window was broken, from the crash.

"Oh no..." Hera mumbled. She looked outside, on the ground was Sabine, the white snow was dotted with crimson blood. She was thrown from the crash.

"I'll get her," Ezra says, "we have to get Zeb, Chopper, and Ky. We can get out through here," Ezra gestures to the broken window.

Hera nods, "I'll go with you. She's probably hurt."

Kanan looks at her, then nods. Ezra and Hera got out of the Ghost, running over to Sabine. Hera gently shook the girl.

"Come on Sabine..." Ezra muttered.

Sabine groaned, trying to sit up. Hera pushed her back down,

"Easy..." Hera brushed some of Sabine's hair out of her face. Sabine weakly nodded, as Ezra grabbed her hand.


Meanwhile, Zeb was shaking Ky, who was unconscious in the Phantom.

"Kid, come on kid. Wake up."

After a moment, Ky started coughing. Zeb sighed in relief. She looked over to him, standing up and leaning against the chair to keep her balance. Zeb kept his hand on her shoulder, not letting go for even a second.

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