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Ursa and Alrich angst since I still don't know what to write for Bo-Fenn

I hate the title lol

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"What are you doing?" Ursa asked, noticing her husband at the holotable. He looked over, closing something and smiling softly,

"Just watching the holo," he stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist, "what are you doing?"

She gave him a look, one that said I know you're up to something. And Alrich knew she did. He knew he couldn't hide anything from his wife.

"We should go to sleep." Ursa sighed, kissing him lightly. He nodded a little, looking back to the hologram as he walked to their cabin with her.

"Any news from Tristan?" He asked, sitting down on the edge of their bed.

"He's still at the academy."

"He's alright?"

She nodded, "He's loyal. Unlike..."

"Don't say that," he cut her off, "Sabine is loyal too." Ursa scoffed, laying down,

"If she was loyal, she wouldn't have built a weapon to kill Mandalorians."

"She's our daughter Ursa," Alrich told her, "our blood."

"And she's a traitor," Ursa turned away from him, "goodnight Alrich."

He sighed, "Goodnight..."

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There was a loud bang, as Ursa bolted up from her bed and grabbed her blaster, which she kept underneath her pillow. Alrich stood up, looking over to his wife,

"What was that?"

"I don't know," she responded, grabbing her armor and beginning to put it on, "probably the Empire. Or another clan. Or... Sabine."

Alrich looked down, thinking for a moment, as the door to their room opened.

"Countess Wren," a man in red armor smirked, "how lovely to see you."

She straightened up a bit, "Governor Saxon."

"Do you know why I'm here?" He took off his helmet, staring at her. She shook her head,

"I don't," she replied, "but I can only assume it's about my daughter."

"Partially," Saxon responded, "your daughter is being dealt with. Along with her friend."

"Then what is this about?"

"Your husband."

Ursa's eyes widened, as she turned to Alrich. The man looked down, avoiding eye contact with her. She frowned,

"Alrich... what did you do..?"

"I can answer that for you," Saxon pulled out a holodisk, tossing it to Ursa, "he accepted a transmission from your daughter Sabine Wren. And did not report it to authorities, when she is guilty of treason against her clan and the Empire."

"Sabine didn't do anything wrong," Alrich steppes forwards, "she is a child, forced to do what she was told. She was trying to do the right thing."

"Is that so?"


"Take him away!"

"What?!" Ursa almost yelled, "you can't. I request a trial."

"Your request is denied, Saxon looked to her as two of his men came in, handcuffing Alrich and taking him out of the room. Ursa watched in horror, as Saxon smiled, "any power your clan had is now gone. Your allegiance to the Empire and your sons hard work are what is keeping me from burning your home."

"And my husband?" She held the holodisk tightly, "what is going to happen to him?"

"He will he held accountable for his actions," Saxon looked to Ursa's hand, noticing she was still holding her blaster, "I'd be careful what you do now. Your daughter may be on the run, but the Empire has the rest of you clan and your family."

"Understood," she loosened her grip on her weapon, taking a moment before saying anything else, "thank you Governor Saxon."

"Thank you for your cooperation."

- - -

Ursa waited until the ship took off, with her husband inside of it. She waited until she could no longer see it, before pulling the holodisk from her pocket and sitting down on the throne. Her hands shook as she turned it on, her shaken daughter standing in front of her.

"Father..." she practically whimpered, "I need your help..."

Alrich's voice was soft as he responded,

"Sabine..." he sighed, keeping his voice to a whisper, "where are you? Are you safe..?"

"I don't know," she sniffled, clutching her side, "I..."

"You're hurt?"

"My friend was helping me escape," she cried, "but she... she betrayed me."

"Find somewhere safe in the capital, wildflower," he told her, "I will come and find you. Bring you home."

"Mother won't allow that," Sabine looked down, "not after what I did."

"You're her daughter, her blood. She wouldn't abandon you."

Sabine sniffled, wiping her face, smearing some blood onto her cheek. She jumped, hearing something nearby,

"I have to go," she mumbled, "I can't stay here."


"She won't let me back!" She yelled, "I'm sorry.... please forgive me."

"There's nothing to be forgiven for."

Ursa closed her eyes, a few tears falling down her cheek. She held back a sob as she put her head in her hands.

There was a burning hatred in her heart, for her daughter mostly. Her daughter. Who betrayed her family and her people. Who got her father arrested.

And some of it for Alrich. Some of that hatred. Because he tried to help Sabine. And it got himself taken and likely executed. Who made them lose any power they had, any status. Who put their son in danger.

But her heart also sank, as she yelled out and threw the blasted holodisk across the room. Tears streaked her face, as she buried her head in her hands.

Why had she let the Empire enlist her children..?

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Hope you enjoyed!

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