A New Member Part 1

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So, you seem to all love Ky, and I have good ideas for a few things with her.

"Alright, this mission is dangerous, but we can't let these people be hurt anymore." Hera started, as she pulled up a holo-map of the Imperial Dome of Lothal.

"Well, do you know anything about them?" Sabine questioned, as she looked around the map for a way in.

"Not really, I don't know anything except that their slaves and they need our help." Hera replied, as she looked to Kanan. He nodded, and spoke up himself,

"Why does the Empire want these people?"

"I don't know. But we need to hurry." Hera responded, everyone noticing the worry in her voice. Kanan eyed her, and she smiled her best at him.

"Okay, so the East gate is the least guarded, we can hopefully sneak in. Where in the Dome are they?" Sabine asked.

"Sabine, I told you. I don't know. Chopper will have to plug into a computer and figure it out." Hera stated. They all nodded,

"Okay, so if we can get in here I can go with Kanan and Chopper to get them, Sabine and Zeb can create a distraction and Hera can stay here and be ready to get everyone out." Ezra suggested.

"No, I'm going to get them. Kanan, do you mind staying here to get us a quick ride out?" Hera responded.

"Sure, just give me the word." He told her. She nodded, facing the stars.


"Everyone ready?" Ezra asked, as he looked around the room. Small nods came form everyone as Sabine placed her helmet on her head, covering her hair and her face.

"Be careful." Kanan muttered, looking at Hera.

"You too." She replied, "I hope these people are alright."

"I do too."


Hera opened the door to a cell, now that Chopper had found one of the prisoners. There was no information on them, just that they used to be a slave here and now they were locked up for treason.

"Alright, we don't know if these people are dangerous or not." Hera muttered, placing a hand on Ezra's shoulder. He nodded, seeing the worry in her eyes again,

"You okay?" He questioned. She looked at him, smiling for a moment.

"I will be, I'm just worried. People don't deserve this."

"Yeah, they don't." Ezra muttered, "That's why we need to get them out of here."

Hera smiled as Ezra started hacking the door. It opened and they both walked in, with their hands on their blasters. They didn't take them out of the holsters, since they didn't know how the prisoners would react. Inside was a small figure with their knees drawn close to their chest. They were rocking back and fourth, tears were falling from their face. Hera and Ezra's expressions softened as they saw the small child.

It was a child. A innocent child forced into the Empire. That wasn't the worst part, whoever they were, they had one of those things on their head, like what Tseebo had.

"Poor thing..." Hera muttered as they walked close. The child tried backing away, trembling. Hera put her arm out, gently talking, "I need you to come with me, alright? I want to help."

The child didn't move they just cried and tried to escape. Ezra placed a hand on it's knee, hoping to help. They couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, there were scars, dirt, and tears. Their hair was shaved off to help keep whatever was storing the information in their head on.

"It's okay, we'll help you. Just, here isn't the best place. Come on." Ezra muttered. The child nodded, but didnt move. Ezra smiled and helped them up. They immediately held onto him, and he wrapped his arms back around the shaking child.

"Let's go." Hera commanded, as they ran out of the cell block. They were lucky not to run into any Imperials, the distractions as working. Everything was going according to plan, except for the other prisoners. Whoever they were, they were already gone. This child was all that was left. Hera and Ezra guided them to the Ghost, where Kanan and the others were waiting. Sabine already had her helmet off, and when she saw the child her expression softened, as did Zeb's. They got them onto the ramp and Kanan took off, soon enough they went into hyperspace.

"That went....better. I'm so surprised that we did it so smoothly." Sabine stated, astonished, but then she looked at the child, "where's the rest of them?"

"They're all that's left." Hera muttered, as Kanan climbed down the latter. He smiled at them, seeing the child in his padawan's arms.

"Let's get them cleaned up." Kanan muttered, as he could faintly see the child's face. Hera nodded, as Sabine, Ezra, and Kanan followed her into the medical bay. Ezra gently placed them on the bed, smiling. The child wouldn't smile back, they were too scared.

"Okay, okay, relax." Sabine muttered, sitting besides them. The child tensed up even more, but Sabine placed a hand on their shoulder, "You're safe, it's alright."

For the first time, she replied, but only with a simple nod. It was a start.

"Alright, let's give them some space. Sabine and I will take care of everything. You guys all get some rest." Hera suggested, looking to Kanan and Ezra. They both nodded and walked out of the room.

"Okay," Sabine started, "you want to tell us your name?"

The child could barely move without getting even more scared. They lifted her head, Hera and Sabine both saw the fear and confusion in their eyes. Sabine frowned, placing her hand on their arm and rubbing it for comfort.

"Alright, I'm going to get some better clothes for you." Hera stated, as she stood up, "Anything else you need?" The child force for a moment, looking out into space. Then, they replied,


"Water?" Hera questioned, wanting to make sure she heard correctly. The child nodded and Hera continued, "Alright, I'll be back in a moment. Sabine will get you cleaned up a bit first."

"O-okay." She muttered. Hera smiled, knowing that the child was warming up a bit. Hera walked out of the room, as Sabine placed a cloth against a bottle, letting the liquid be consumed by it. She then moved the cloth and started to clean the child cuts up. Soon enough, Sabine could tell it was a little girl.

Hera walked back in, with some clothes and a bottle of water in her arms. She sat on the other side of the girl, placing the clothes on the bed and handing her the water. She didn't grab it for a moment, waiting for further instructions.

"It's alright, you can take it." Hera muttered, gesturing to the water. She grabbed it, taking a sip of it and placing it besides her.

"Well, we'll need to get this off of you." Sabine muttered, pointing to the metal on her head. Hera frowned seeing the girl's response. She started freaking out, shaking, breathing heavily. More tears fell from her face. Sabine pulled the child into a hug, letting her cry.

"N-no..." she cried.

"I know, I know. It's gonna be okay, it'll feel better once it's gone." Sabine cooed her. She nodded, but continued to cry.

"Let's give her a little break first." Hera suggested. Sabine nodded and held her closely, "now that you're up for talking, can you tell us your name?"

"I don't....I don't know."

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