The Challenges Part 1

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Hera stood in the cell across from her beloved daughter. She stared at the frightened girl, seeing her shaking. 

"Ky?" she called out. The child would't reply. She sat on the uncomfortable bed, tears streaking her face. Hera watched her, trying to see some life-like sign in her eyes. 

"Hera, give her time." Kanan stated, from the cell besides her. She sighed sitting on her own bed. 

"She's my daughter, she's hurt Kanan!" the woman exclaimed. Kanan used the force to try to calm her, she took some deep breaths. 

"I know," Kanan told her, in a comforting voice, "we can get out of this, I promise." 

"Kanan, this isn't the Empire that captured us!" she continued, "these are bounty hunters, they will exchange us in a millisecond for some credits or better equipment. If they don't..." 

"They'll kill us." Kanan finished. He looked around, seeing other people they didn't know in cells around them. 

"I hope the others are okay." Hera muttered. He nodded, even though she couldn't see him because of the wall between them. 

"I do too..."


Ezra shot down two of the guards, looking to Sabine. "See? All clear." 

"Yeah yeah. Let's get the others." Sabine remarked, trying to hack the door in front of them. It slit open, no alarms. 

"Sabine!" Hera called out, "Ezra!" 

"Hera, are you alright?" Ezra asked as he ran over to her cell. Kanan smiled at the boy, then smiled at Sabine who was going over to Ky's cell. 

"We're fine, dear. But we need to hurry!" she told him, as he started to mess with the controls to her door. Sabine started to mess with Ky's, the shaking girl watching her every move. 

"Hey, it's okay. It's me." Sabine told her, reaching through the bars to take her shaking hands. The child nodded, standing up. Sabine smiled and removed her hands, opening the door. She helped Ky out, then going to Kanan's cell. Soon enough, they were all free. 

"Where's Zeb..?" Ky asked, quietly. 

"He's on the Ghost. Don't worry about him." Ezra replied, as he handed them each their weapons. 

"Let's go, now!" Hera commanded as she started to run out with the rest of them on her trail. Someone stood in front of them, a gun to her chest as she got near the door. 

"Not so fast!" the trandosian stated, pushing her back a little. Another bounty hunter handcuffed the rest of them, taking away their weapons. They were taken to some sort of command center. 

"Well, if it isn't my friends!" Hondo cheered. Ezra glared at him, 

"Traitor!" he yelled. Hondo smirked, 

"That's one word to us, my boy." 

"What do you want, Hondo?" Kanan asked, before the previous conversation continued. Hondo looked to him, the smirk fading. 

"My friends, you have quite a price on your heads!" he exclaimed cheerfully, "would be a shame if someone, I don't know...turned you in for a profit!" 

"Huh, you that's what you are planning?" Sabine asked, glancing at Ky afterwords. 

"Maybe...maybe! However, if you could prove yourselves, maybe, just maybe, I won't turn you in."  he explained, "I have a set of challenges for you." 

Hera grabbed Ky's shoulders, looking at Kanan. She nodded, as he turned to face her. He nodded too, looking back to Hondo. "Okay..." he muttered. Hondo clapped, 

"Perfection! Come this way!" 

Hera looked to Kanan as he walked by, "We can't risk it." she whispered, following him. The others followed their every footstep, arriving at some arena. 

"Here you go!" Hondo started, "you can go right this way. The challenges will begin shortly." 

And with that, Hondo removed their restraints and locked them in. The door disappeared. 

"Alright, everyone try and find a way out." he commanded, as they each walked to separate parts of the room. Ky looked at Kanan, following him. He smiled at her, the best he could in their current citation. 

"Can I help with anything?" she asked, crossing her arms. He nodded, 

"Yeah, help me out over here." he replied, as they started feeling the wall for a door. "You alright?" he asked, as they did so. She didn't look at him, 

"I'm fine." 

"You don't sound fine. You don't look fine either, kid." he responded. She stopped and looked at him, 

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Okay," Kanan sighed, "if you ever need anything, you don't need to be scared. I'll be here for you, Ky." 

"I know that." she replied. They continued looking fro a door, as the others did so in their other parts of the arena. After about an hour, the ground started to shake.

"Uh, Kanan?!?" Hera called out, as the middle of the room broke into four. They all put their backs to the wall, Sabine almost slipping from the edge. Ezra grabbed her arm, pulling her up. 

They all stood on one of th four squares, one being left alone. Hera looked at them, trying to tell if they were all safe and uninjured. 

Kanan placed a hand on Ky's shoulder, as the ground continued shaking. Each floor went down one by one. They were all separated. Kanan with Ky. Ezra with Sabine. Hera by herself. Over a commlink, Hondo's voice could be heard, 

"Let the challenges begin!"

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