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"We have hope. Hope that things can get better," she stated, "and they will." 

They didn't. It only got worse. Mr. Sumar is dead. My parents are dead. Kanan's dead. Sure, I helped save Lothal, maybe I did. I couldn't stick around to find out. I end up on some foreign planet, without a way to get home. 

Worst of all, I'm with Thrawn. I've been stuck with him and other troopers for uncountable years. Last I heard from my people, from my family, they had won the Battle of Endor, as the few remaining Imperials called it. I was still their prisoner. They wanted me, for something I could't explain. 

"Eat, you loth-rat." the trooper commanded as he kicked my shin. I didn't look up, I didn't grab the food and take a bite of it, no matter how much I wanted it. I was numb, I didn't know what to feel. Lost. Hopeless. That sounded about right. 

"Leave me alone." I stated. Someone came over, another trooper, maybe an officer. 

"My boy, you must keep your strength up." Thrawn told me, in a creepy tone of voice. I looked up at him, wanted to fear him. I wanted to cry for Kanan and Hera. I wanted to get in fights with Zeb and Chopper. I wanted to see Sabine. 


"I know I can always count on you." 

"I still can..." I whispered to myself. Thrawn rose an eyebrow, and grabbed me by my collar. He lifted me up, and I was face-to-face with him. 

"What was that?" he questioned. 

"I can count on her!" I yelled, as I pushed myself away with the little strength I had. Two troopers grabbed my arms, and threw me against the ground where I was before. 

"Take him away." Thrawn commanded. They did so, dragging me against the ground. I fought back, but failed. I wanted Thrawn dead. I wanted these troopers dead. 

I wanted to go home. 

As I arrived at the cell, in the destroyed Star Deestroyer, I looked at the troopers before they would push me inside, like they always did. I wasn't going to let them, even though I was weak. I had to do what Kanan told me to do. I had to trust the force. 

I closed my eyes, and breathed for a moment. The troopers said somethings to each other, but I didn't bother to listen. I raised my hand, curled my fingers so they were almost pressed tightly together. The troopers rose to the air, fighting to keep their breath. 

Seconds passed, maybe a minute. They laid dead on the ground. I grabbed one of their armor, and put it on. The other was locked in the cell, his body could rot there. I put the helmet on, and grabbed the blaster as I walked back outside. Thrawn and some of the other troops were talking, standing over a holonet with a star-map. 

I took another breath and pushed them against the spot where they always threw me. They were unconscious. Thrawn was the only one left. He stared at me, his blaster facing my direction. I breathed heavy, yelling something at him as I charged towards him. I heard the shot, as I landed on the ground in front of him. 

I felt someone roll me onto my back, soothing voices, ones that felt so close and so far away at the same time. The helmet laid on the ground besides me, as my eyes opened. Everything was blurry. I moved my head, the voices starting to piece together, but I couldn't make out the figures standing above me. 

"Ezra, Ezra can you hear me?" one of them asked. I felt someone holding my hand, as I realized I was laying in a comfortable bed. Thrawn wasn't here, I couldn't feel his presence. These people, they had a kind presences to them, they were trying to help me. Both were familiar, one was strong, very strong with the force. 

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