Beside the Dying Fire

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Yes I stole this title from The Walking Dead

Set between in the name of the rebellion and the occupation (if you didn't know there's a time jump between those two episodes, about a year gap)

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"You know," Ezra smiled softly as the girl tossed another log into the fire, "I'm glad you're back."

"Wish I could say the same..." she sighed, sitting across from him, placing her rifle next to her.

"You could leave again if you wanted to," Ezra told her, "no one's gonna force you to stay."

"Doesn't feel right," Ky shrugged, "after everything I feel like I have to be here."

"I get that," he smiled softly, "I felt the same way about Lothal. More than once."

"When we get to liberate it, you staying there after?"

The Jedi looked down, "I don't know..."

Ky nodded, resting her hands on her knees, the two watching the flames in silence for a while. There was a strong wind blowing in their direction, causing the flames to begin to die out.

Ezra let out a shaky breath, fidgeting with his fingers, trying to take a deep breath.

"You good?" Ky looked up to him, barely able to see him from the darkness.

"Never been the biggest fan of the dark."

Ky frowned, nodding a little, "Sorry."

"Don't be..." Ezra closed his eyes, trying to focus on the force to calm his nerves. He shook his head, leaning back against the rocky cave, taking another deep, shaky breath,

"Didn't think you were afraid of anything," Ky chuckled, trying to lighten the mood and get his mind off of it, "you being a fearless Jedi and all."

Ezra cracked a smile, "Wish it were true," he sighed, opening his eyes to look at her in the dim light, "the night my parents were taken away, my mother hid me in that basement... it was so dark. I stayed there for days, just... waiting."

Ky stayed silent, unsure what to say. She didn't know the feeling of waiting for her family to come home. She couldn't say she understood what Ezra was going through, truth be told she didn't. What do you say to someone after that?

"What about you?" Ezra changed the subject, after noticing the silence, "you don't seem to be afraid of anything."

Ky laughed a little, shaking her head,

"Yeah," she rolled her eyes, holding back tears, pausing for a moment. She sighed, "I'm afraid of being captured, among other things."

"You know we'll always come and get you if that happens."

She bit her lip, "I know. It's not that."

Ezra leaned forwards, noticing Ky wipe a tear or two off her face,

"It has to do with why you left, doesn't it?"

She nodded, wiping her eyes again, "Yeah..."

Ezra watched her as they both grew silent, trying to understand her thoughts and feelings through the force. Ky was about as difficult as Sabine, almost impossible to read sometimes.

"I understand wanting to keep things private," he smiled reassuringly at her, as she turned her gaze to face him, "but, I'm here if you need to talk. About anything."


"So..." he began to chance the subject, only for Ky to cut him off,

"I hurt someone I cared about..." her voice cracked a little.

Ezra frowned, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, I do," she sighed, "been keeping to myself for too long, you know?"

He nodded, remembering the time when he kept everything from his crew. It was almost shocking to think there was a time where Kanan didn't know... anything.

"I understand."

"I know you do," she smiled her best, even though it was small, "you know what I'm afraid of? I'm afraid that I'm going to get captured with one of you. And that the Empire is going to use me to hurt..." She shook her head, unable to finish.

"That won't happen Ky," he responded, "I won't let it."

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Little hints to what happened in "the lost prisoner" but you still don't know the whole truth

More of a reason to read it when I get to it 🤷🏻‍♀️😂

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