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Ky angst

for people who don't know; ky leaves the rebellion for reasons during season 3. 

set during her time out of the rebellion, she does still live on the Ghost/Attalon 

no you will not be finding out what happens to ky in this, leave you with some suspicion, and a reason to read SWR with Ky

jumps around season 3, set between "the lost prisoner"(which is right after visions and voices") and zero hour

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"What happened?" Ezra asked softly, looking to Hera as she sat in the cockpit. The twi'lek turned to him, trying to smile softly at him, "to Ky. What happened?"

"She wants to keep that private," Hera sighed, "Kanan, Rex, and I are the only ones who know."

"Is she okay?"

Hera opened her mouth to respond, but couldn't find the right words. She truly didn't have an answer. The answer she wanted was yes. But deep down she knew her daughter was not okay. She left the rebellion, the rebellion she believed so much in. The one she was willing to sacrifice herself for, the one she out everything she had into. She had left it. 

Ezra sat in the co pilots seat, looking down, "She seemed so... lost when she got back."

"Yeah," Hera nodded a little, "she'll be okay. I hope..."

"If there's anything I can do, please tell me," he looked at the twi'lek, "she's been there for me. I want to be able to do the same."

Hera smiled softly at Ezra, nodding, "I'll let you know, I promise."

- - - 

"Have you eaten anything?" Hera asked, opening the door to the cabin she shared with her daughter. Ky was turned away from her, laying on her bunk. 


"I can bring you something," Hera suggested, leaning against the doorframe, "it's alright if you want to eat alone."

"I'm fine mom."

Ky's voice was blank. A little raspy from crying, but she showed no emotion as she spoke. She sounded so... numb. 

"Ky," Hera frowned, "you aren't fine. You don't have to talk to me, but please just eat something."

Ky sighed, turning onto her back, "Sure, whatever."

"Thank you..." she smiled her best, "anything else I can do for you?"

"Just close the door, please."

- - - 

"Hey," Sabine smiled softly, noticing Ky on the ramp of the Ghost, "you alright?"


Sabine sat next to her, "You don't sound alright."

"Sabine please."

"Out of all of us, you were the last one I'd think to stop fighting," Sabine frowned, "Ky... what's going on?"

"Nothing!" the girl practically yelled, frowning when she looked at Sabine. Sabine looked at her, sighing, 

"Okay," she placed her hand on Ky's shoulder as she stood up, "I'm here, if you need me."

"Yeah I know..."

- - - 

Zeb was the one who stayed away from Ky since she and the rest came back. He knew she wanted to be alone. And he knew that she was tough, and she'd be fine. 

But sometimes he'd catch a glimpse of her from afar. She seemed off, that was for sure. Zoned out a lot. Her hands were shaky, more than usual. 

And the mention of Fulcrum or Kallus always seemed to bother her. Not in her usual ways, where she'd become protective and cautious. Something different. Zeb knew whatever happened to Ky, Kallus had something to do with it. He just wished he knew. 

When he found Ky in the common room, he smiled at her, but she didn't smile back. She would always smile back. But this time she didn't even notice he was there. 

"Kid," Zeb said to catch her attention, "still with us?"

She looked up to him for a second, then looked back down, "Yeah... I'm still here."

Zeb nodded, watching her for a moment. She kept glancing up and down, like she didn't know what to say. Like she wanted to go hide in her cabin. 

"So..." Zeb began, "where do you run off to when we need the Ghost?"

"Wherever I can," she shrugged, "why? You guys have a mission soon?"

"Yeah, but I don't know the details."

She nodded, standing up, "Well... good luck then." She held her arms around her chest as she walked out of the room. Zeb sighed, watching the door close behind her. 

- - - 

"Ky?" Kanan called out, "Ky, I need to talk to you."

The door swooshed open, as Kanan stood there. She cleared her throat, sitting up and rubbing her hands against her thighs, trying to calm her anxiety.

"Yeah," she looked up to him, "what is it?"

"Did you talk to Ezra?" he asked, sounding out of breath. 

"Not recently," she replied, "why?"

"He took off in an A-wing," Kanan sighed, "it's a long story, but I need to know where he went."

"I haven't talked to him."

"Okay..." Kanan turned to walk out of the room, turning his head back in his direction, "take care, kid."

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Star Wars Rebels One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora