It's Okay

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this was kinda an idea not a request but people liked the idea soooo. But let's make this Jacen and Sabine one shot depressing *evil laughs mixed with sobs*

I know nothing about toddlers and babies soooo if the age is inaccurate for the things Jacen says or does sorry.
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"You sure you're okay watching him?" Hera smiled softly, kissing the top of Jacen's head.

"Of course," Sabine replied, "he's good company." Jacen giggles, reaching for his sister figure. Hera sighed, handed him off to her. The two year old grabbed at her colorful armor, trying to pull it off. Sabine looked down to him, bouncing him a little bit to get his attention off her armor.

Hera sighed, "Bye Jacen." She looked at him, giving him a big kiss on the cheek. Jacen reaches for her,


Sabine looked to Hera, grabbing Jacen's little hands and making him wave to her.

"Can you say 'bye-bye'?"


Hera smiled a teary smile as she walked away from him and Sabine. And of course, Sabine noticed the tears in her eyes. It's fine. She just doesn't like leaving Jacen.

- - -

Sabine set down the tray of paints in front of the child, kneeling besides him. He sat in his special corner, with old brushes Sabine didn't care for and some special paint she bought just for him.

"Are you gonna paint with me?" Jacen asked, as Sabine poured some new colors into the tray.

"Do you want me too?"

"Yeah!" He cheered, "your art is very purty!"

Sabine chuckled, not sure who told him to say pretty that way, but she liked it. She got comfortable next to him, "Alright. We'll paint together."

He rose his arms up, "Yay!"

Sabine laughed a little bit, as he looked at the colors. "Do you have any wellow?"

"Yeah," she grabbed it from her bin, putting some into the tray, "here ya go."

He smiled, pushing his hand straight into the yellow paint. With a smile from ear to ear, he pressed his hand against the wall. Next he put his other hand into the pink, doing the same.

"Towel pwease?"

Sabine handed the towel to him, which she already had on hand. She knew he was messy, but it was okay.

He wiped his hands, then dipping a single finger into the paint. He looked around the room, then stopped at Sabine's armor. He pointed at the Phoenix.

"Can you paint that!?" He asked, eyes wide. Sabine nodded,

"I can paint it with my eyes closed," she smirked, "what color?"

"Blue!" He looked at the paints, "no! Orange!"

Sabine grabbed a brush, dipping it into the orange paint. She got close to a clean spot on the wall, then closed her eyes and quickly painted the Phoenix.

"Wow!" Jacen said in awe as she opened her eyes.

"Want me to show you how to paint it?"


Sabine picked Jacen up, placing him on her lap. She put the brush in his small hands, helping him hold it. She guided his hand along the wall, until somewhat of a Phoenix was on the wall, next to his hand prints.

Sabine's comm beeped, and she picked it up to hear Zeb's voice, "'Bine you there?"

"Copy Zeb, what's up?"

"Zebby!" Jacen cheered, "I painted the bird thing!"

Zeb forced a laugh, "Good job kid. I bet it looks great." He sighed, "'Bine, we need to talk in private."

Sabine felt her heart begin to beat a mile a minute, "Yeah, one sec.." she stood up, looking to Jacen, "I'll be right back, bud."


Sabine went to the cockpit, "Alright, what's going on?"

"Hera's been shot, pretty bad too."

Sabine sat down, tears filling her eyes. She sniffled, and her voice cracked as she spoke, "Is- is she gonna make it?"

"Not sure," He replied, "Kal's got her stable for now. But I don't know how long that'll last."

Sabine wiped her eyes, "What can I do? How can I help?"

"Just stay on the Ghost with the kit," Zeb explained, "we're almost back to you."

- - -

Jacen hiccuped, tears streaming his face as he snuggled against Sabine.

"I want momma!"

Sabine found herself fighting tears once again, as she pressed a kiss on his forehead. She held him close, pacing outside of the med-bay on Lothal.

"I know honey... I know."

"I want her now!"

Sabine looked to Zeb, as he walked over to them, "Come 'ere kid," He muttered, grabbing the sobbing child, "I've gotcha."

Sabine held her arms close to her chest, sitting where Zeb sat earlier. Zeb looked down to her, bouncing Jacen a little, "'Bine, try not to worry... she's tough. She's gonna make it." Sabine nodded, as the doors opened to Hera's room. Jacen perked up, sniffling.


Hera was unconscious on the bed, her face pale and lifeless.

- - -

Sabine sat snuggled up on the chair next to Hera, Jacen snuggled up in her arms sound asleep.

Sabine made sure to keep on arm wrapped around him, but her other was squeezing Hera's hand gently.

"Hera, I'm here..." Sabine muttered, quietly to make sure Jacen stayed asleep, "I've got him here too. He's okay."

Hera didn't move, Sabine continued to stare at her chest as it rose and fell. She let out a cry, covering her mouth to keep quiet. As her tears fell, she continued, "it's okay... if you need to go. I understand."

Still nothing.

"I'll take care of him," she cries, kissing the top of Jacen's head, "I know you're not doing so hot... and it's painless to just give up."

Jacen snuggled closer to Sabine, still asleep.

"Kanan's gonna be there..." she cried, "I know how much you miss him. Ezra might be there too..."

Sabine let a louder so escape her mouth, "It's okay... we'll be okay."

Sabine squeezed Hera's hand tightly as she cried. For hours, there was nothing.

But then, Hera squeezed back. Her eyes flickered open, and she opened her mouth, words barely coming out,


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