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Ursa and Sabine one shot requested by Astrisia

I'm currently obsessed with the Wren family, so there's gonna be a lot of Alrich and Sabine too. 

I'm calling the main room we see in Rebels on Krownest the throne room because I don't know what to call it. Sabine is kinda young in this. 

- - - 

Sabine smirked, admiring her newest addition to her room. Sure, it wasn't her best work, but it was nice. A painting of a sunset, one with sand and water in the foreground, something Sabine had only dreamed about on Krownest. 

She put her paints away neatly, hoping that the organization of her materials would somehow please her mother. Ursa would be frustrated and likely angry at Sabine for painting on her walls again, so every little bit helped. Sabine smiled wide, running out of the room in a hurry. 

"Mother! Father!" she cheered, running into the throne room. Her father stood off to the side, while her mother was standing in the center of the room with the hologram in front of her. Alrich smiled warmly, picking the young child up. He put his finger in front of his mouth, 

"Shhh," he whispered, pointing to the hologram and Ursa, "important stuff over there, Wildflower."

"What kinda of stuff?" The child muttered, trying to catch a glimpse of the hologram. 

"Mandalorian stuff," he brushed her hair out of her face, "there's a war going on in the galaxy."

"There's always a war..." Sabine looked down, frowning. Alrich chuckled, 

"Yes there is," he pressed a kiss against her forehead, "but one day, you'll be there where your mother is. And your painting will be up on that wall. You'll be leading troops into battle before you know it."

She looked to her mother, watching her as she spoke so intelligently. 

"Our clan must show that we are worthy of our power, with an allegiance to the Empire."

"What does ally-gence mean?" Sabine looked up to her father. 

"Allegiance means that we work with someone, that we protect each other and fight for each other."

"Mother always says we protect our own." Sabine rested her head on her father's shoulder.

"That's exactly what she's doing my Wildflower."

- - -

"Dismissed," Ursa nodded at each trooper as they left the room, turning off the hologram. Sabine looked over, as her mother walked towards her and her father. She put her hands on her hips, "you cannot interrupt briefings, Sabine."

Sabine frowned, "I'm sorry, mother."

"Declaring our allegiance to the Empire?" Alrich rose a brow, looking at his wife. 

"Yes," Ursa sighed, "it'll be us losing the war otherwise."

"Why do we have to fight so many wars?" Sabine groaned. Ursa shot her a glare, but then softened her expression. Sabine was only a child. 

"To protect-"

"Our own." Sabine said with her in unison. 

Ursa's lips curled up a little, nodding. 

"Once Sabine and Tristan are of age," Ursa looked to Alrich once more, "they will both be enlisted into the Imperial Academy."

Alrich frowned, holding Sabine close, "Understood."

Sabine looked up to her father, not understanding at all what mother had said. But she knew by his expression that it wasn't anything good. He was sad. And what made father feel better? Art.

Sabine perked up a little, "I want to show you something!"

Alrich forced a smile, "Alright, my wildflower, show me." He placed her back on her feet, as she ran to her bedroom with her parents close behind her. 

Her walls had become a colorful mess since she left her painting. It was still beautiful in her eyes, but the red paint had begun to drip, and the blue had mixed with the tan a little. Alrich kneeled besides her, looking at the painting. 

"A beach, wildflower?"

She nodded, proud that he recognized her painting. She looked to her mother for approval, recieving somewhat of a glare in return. But there was something else in her eyes, exhaustion maybe? No. Pride? 

Ursa stared back at her daughter, annoyed that she had painted her walls once more. But she couldn't help but smile at her. A sad smile. Her daughter was not that far off from joining the Academy. Soon enough she wouldn't be around to scold her for painting on the walls. 

But a burning feeling arose in her chest. If Sabine were to paint Imperial walls at the academy, there would be shame to Clan Wren, and more importantly Sabine would be punished for her actions. Ursa frowned, 

"Wipe it down before supper, Sabine..."

Sabine frowned. She thought her mother would have appreciated the beach. After all, she talked about beaches a lot. How gorgeous the sunset was, and how magnificent the water felt. 

"Yes mother."

Ursa looked at the painting one last time, before leaving her daughter and husband to talk about art as they did. She let the door close behind her, and a smile spread across her face as she recalled the man with his arms around her and the warm sun shining before them. 

- - - 

Twelve Years Later

Ursa looked to Alrich and Tristan from her seat on the throne. Tristan stood proud in his special Imperial, but also Mandalorian armor. She was saddened that it was not the yellow and grey of Clan Wren, but he was still her son, and loved him nonetheless. 

"Was it her?" Tristan asked after a moment. Ursa turned back to the hologram, reading the reports of a Rebel who had painted a TIE and later blown up a base on Lothal. 

"Why would Sabine be on Lothal?" Alrich looked to him, "she has no need to be there."

"We do not speak her name," Ursa reminded them both, "she is a traitor to our Clan and to the Empire." Every word out of her mouth caused her heart to break more and more.

Alrich nodded, looking back to the report, "Troopers reported she was wearing Mandalorian armor. But the art couldn't be traced to any clan."

"Good," Ursa responded, standing up, "if it was her, she will be looked upon as a bounty hunter, rather than a true Mandalorian." Ursa turned the hologram off, walking out of the throne room, "there will be no word of this bounty hunter anymore."

- - - 

Alrich followed her all the way to their bedroom, where Ursa sat on the bed with her head in her hands. 

"It was her," he uttered, "wasn't it?"

Ursa nodded, as he sat behind her, taking the ties out of her hair. The brown waves fell to her shoulders, as his arms wrapped around her body. 

"The farther away from Mandalore and Krownest she is, the safer she is," Ursa felt tears burn her eyes, but she blinked them away, "Lothal will do her good."

Alrich nodded, burying his face in her neck, "I wish they had an image of her. I wish we could see her."

"I do too," she frowned, "but if she was seen with us, we would be traitors as well. That includes Tristan. Both her and him would be killed, us too maybe."

"And we protect out own."

"Yes," she looked at the portrait on the wall, her and Alrich standing proud, Alrich with a hand on Tristan's shoulder, and the missing spot where Sabine Wren used to be wiped away, "she's still our own."

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