Lead Me Home (Spoilers for Jedi Knight & DUME)

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P.S. Thanks for 4.1K viewers on this!

Kanan Jarrus was gone.

Sabine Wren was broken.

Ezra Bridger was lost.

Hera Syndulla was alone.

"Ezra?!? Ezra what happened?!?" she yelled from the pilots seat. Tears streaked down her face, she already knew her father figure was gone, but yet again she couldn't really see from the pilots seat.

Ezra looked up, he was still kneeling besides Hera, watching the smoke and fore from the fuel refinery. He looked to his comm, as tears spilled from his eyes.

"Kanan's gone...." he uttered. He heard Sabine give out a sharp cry, and listened as he comm fell tot he ground. He wanted to help her, but he didn't know what to do without his master. Sabine sniffled and dried her tears with her arm.

"A-are you sure?" She cried. "Did you see it happen?"

"He's gone, Sabine." Ezra replied, sadly. He felt the ship jolt and he knew she wanted to try and help Kanan. Just in case.

"I'm going back!" She stated.

"Sabine, no! It's not safe!" Ezra replied. He heard her cry out a few more times.

"What if he's alive, Ezra? He might be hurt! We need to help him!" she yelled. Hera looked back to Ezra, her face showing no emotion it fear. He looked her in the eye, hoping for guidance. Hera turned her head back around, not wanted to hurt either of them.

"Sabine, we need to get to the base..." he mumbled.

"I can't leave him!" She cried out. "We can't!"

"Sabine, he's gone!"

Sabine stopped what she was doing, placing her comm back on her belt. Tears streamed down her face as she heard Ezra sigh.

"Please, Ezra....please." She called out, picking her comm back up.

"We need to get back. I hate doing it, but there's no way he made it..." Ezra explained. Sabine paused for a moment, turning the ship back around. Ezra gave a small smile, the best he could do. He knew they were heading home. He kneeled next to Hera, who was shaking.

Sabine placed her comm on the belt once again, and put the helmet back on. She chose to listen to Imperial chatter, just in case.

Ezra sat besides Hera, looking at her. She was staring at Capital City. Ezra looked down to the ground, and tears spilled from his eyes too.

Hera heard him cry out, which snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked over, sorrow was all she felt.

"It's okay..." she muttered wrapping Ezra into a hug. "It'll be alright." He cried onto her chest, and soon enough they felt the ship land.

The door opened in the front, Sabine threw the helmet on the ground after hearing Kanan was gone. Zeb, who was walking up to them with a smile on his face, stared at her, realizing something went wrong. He tried to place a hand on her shoulder as she walked by, calling out,

"Sabine?" He paused, as she wiped her eyes and avoided eye contact. "What's wrong? Sabine!"

He saw Ezra and Hera both emerge from the ship, he knew Kanan was gone. He just didn't know if he was alive. Hera walked away, Chopper following her. Ezra walked over to Zeb sadly.

Zeb placed one of his paws on each of Ezra's arm, asking. "Alright kid, whats going on?" Ezra looked down before he spoke, Zeb knew his little brother figure was feeling defeated and lost.

"Kanan's gone..." he muttered.

"What do you mean gone, like captured?" He questioned, hoping everything could be okay ion the end.

"No!" He cried out. Ezra took a breath, "He's gone..."

Zeb looked at him, sorrow and fear was al he felt, just like Hera. He embraced Ezra and the boy softly cried onto him.

Hera Syndulla was alone.

Ezra Bridger was lost.

Sabine Wren was broken.

Kanan Jarrus was gone.

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