Lost Families and Trust

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A/N: You probably are seeing this everywhere, but I want to say it too. Stay safe and stay healthy everyone! I hope you're all doing well and if you aren't I hope it gets better. You are all loved and appreciated and it's going to be okay! It's only a matter of time. ❤️❤️❤️
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Anyways, this is being written on my phone because I can't get my chromebook to load. Sorry for the amount of typos. I've been wanted to focus on Zeb lately so here's that. Probably next will be something with Ursa(requested), a Sabine and Kanan oneshot(I promised someone I'd write it) and more! Enjoy! First half is based when Sabine first came on the ship!
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"I still hate it that you brought a kid onto the ship," Zeb growled, sitting behind Kanan. He turned back to face the lasat, while Hera put the ship into hyperspace. She listened to Zeb as he continued, "she shouldn't be here."

Kanan sighed, "She would have died if we didn't bring her back."

"Better out there than in an imperial cell."

Hera turned to him, "She would have starved to death..."

"Would you rather have 'er tortured until she can't move? Until just breathing makes you want to die?"

Hera looked away, frowning. Kanan sighed,

"She's got a chance here."


"On a different note, where is she?" Hera looked to Kanan.

"Probably still on the Phantom. She seemed pretty shaken."

"I'll talk to her," she stood up, "she's on this ship now. If she wants to leave she can. But otherwise, you need to be nice."

"Yes ma'am."

Kanan looked to Zeb as she left. He barely knew the lasat, but it was easy to tell he was different since the girl came on board.

"You had a family? Didn't you?" Kanan asked, quietly.

Zeb looked to him, not saying anything for a moment. He nodded, "Yeah. I did."

"I'm sorry."

"You and Hera let me fight with you, to avenge their deaths," he clenched his fists, "it's something."

Kanan smiled his best, "You had kids?"

"Two. Fifteen and eight years old."

"I see." he looks down, placing his hand on his temple.

"You good?"

"I had to use the force to save her," he looks back up, "it's been a long time."


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"You alright?" Hera sat in front of the girl, who was trembling and had blood running down her face. She didn't look up as she spoke,

"My weapons."

"Kanan has them, just as a precaution," she softly explained, "He's the man that brought you in."

She nods, holding her knees against her chest. Hera frowned, gently placing a hand on her knee to comfort her. The girl flinched, backing away as much as she could.

"Can... can I get them back?"

Hera nodded, "Soon," she pulled out a med-kit, "that cut looks pretty bad. I'm going to get it cleaned up, okay?"

The girl looked up to her, nodding slightly.

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Two Years Later

"Hera?" Ezra walked into the cockpit, his hand covering his eye.

She turned back to face him, "What happened?"

"I don't know, I was in the common room with Zeb, and we were just talking," he explained, "next thing I know, he started yelling and then we started fighting."

Hera gently took his hand off his eye, seeing it was bruised and swollen.

"I'll get you some ice," she stood up, "you should be okay in a day or so."

"Wait..." he muttered, "Can we talk first?"

She nods, sitting back down, "Of course."

"Why is he like this?" Ezra asks, "the other day he seemed like he actually cared. Like he finally accepted that I was on the ship. But now.. I don't know."

Hera frowned, "Zeb's like that. It takes time for him to trust people, considering his past."

"Yeah, but all of you are like that. And you seem to trust me."

"Zeb's different," she looked down, "he had a family. They were killed on Lasan..."

He nods, "But still... you lost your family. And Kanan and Sabine too. Right?

"Zeb had kids," she muttered, "they were tortured by the Empire until they..."


"He doesn't have anything against you Ezra," she placed a hand on his shoulder, "he doesn't want you to end up like they did. He was the same way with Sabine."

"I feel bad," he looked up to her, "I can't imagine what that was like. He was the only one who made it? What about his parents and his wife?"

"He never told me about them. Kanan might know, but I can't be sure."

Ezra nods, "Were you a mom?"

Hera's eyes widened and she rose a brow, "No. what makes you think that?"

A smile spreads across Ezra's face, even though it hurt his eye, "You remind me of mine."

Hera frowned, looking at Ezra for a moment. She shook the thought away that she could lose him like Zeb lost his, and stood up, "I'll get you that ice."

Ezra nodded, watching as she walked away.

- - -

"So, you punched Ezra in the face?"

Zeb scratched the back of his head, "Yeah... sorry bout that."

Kanan nodded, "Why?"

Zeb looked to him and shook his head, "You know why."

Kanan frowns, understanding what he meant. Everyone on the Ghost lost someone in one way or another. But Zeb lost everything.

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