Mother's Instinct

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I'm making this episode more depressing instead of working on my million drafts. I'm also typing most of this on my phone so rip.

"Kanan!" Hera screamed, as the Jedi put himself between his family and the flames. Ezra yelled something, but everything was happening too quickly for Hera to hear. She screamed again, "Kanan! Kanan get back here right now!" She was begging him. She couldn't lose him. Especially not now.

Ezra ran forwards, most likely to help Kanan. Kanan felt it, turning back to face him.

"Ezra no!"

He used the force to push Ezra back, but holding Ezra and keeping the fire away from his family drained his strength quickly.

Hera could see him trembling. And she knew what to do.

"Kanan!" She got her lover's attention. He looked in her direction, his eyes real like they used to be. She held back tears, staring at him. She nodded.

He understood her, pushing Ezra back to the ship. He struggled, trying to run back to his master and father figure. Hera grabbed his arms, holding him tightly.

"No! No! Kanan!" Ezra reached for Kanan, tears streaming his face.

Hera held him close, even rocking him a little, "Ezra... stop."

Kanan stared at them, his hands shaking. He took a sharp breath, struggling to hold the fire back. Hera bit her lip, holding Ezra even tighter. As a mother to Ezra and Sabine, Hera had to protect them at all costs.

Kanan tried to force a smile to her. He mouthed the words, Go.

Tears fell from her eyes, she nodded, looking down to Ezra. "Don't look." She cried.

Kanan looked as though he was about to collapse, he was losing strength.

Hera forced Ezra to look away, to bury his face in her arms. She held back a sob as she yelled,

"Sabine Go!"

Kanan waited until the ship began to move away, letting go. He let himself be engulfed by the flames, at peace. He saved his family, which made up from not being able to save his master all those years ago.

Hera made sure Ezra was still unable to see the city- to see the flames. She sobbed, rocking him back and forth. Protect the kids. That was her job.

She looked to the city, seeing the smoke from the fuel depot.

I love you, Kanan Jarrus.

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