Let's Go Get Hera

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"We can do this together." Ezra Bridger stated, as his master almost  walked away. Kanan stopped, but didn't turn to face him. He listened, hearing the wind blowing and a few lothcats meowing in the distance. 

"I'm not gonna stay here and let you risk your life..." Sabine Wren added. "None of us are letting you go alone." 

Kanan turned his head, smiling at the two kids. They both had grown, even though he couldn't see them. He knew. Hera had told him about what they looked like. When Ezra, Sabine, and Chopper were with Saw. He could imagine it vividly, almost like he had his sight back. He wished he still did, he wished things didn't happen the way it did. He didn't blame anyone but Maul. He wasn't saddened by his pain. It was Hera. His beloved. He sensed her angrier, her sadness. He sensed her pain as soon as the bandage was wrapped around his eyes. When he got back home, he remembered being in the med-bay with her. He heard her crying so much.  

"Kanan?" she had cried. He wrapped his arms around her, listening to her quiet sobs as her head rested against his chest. 

"It's alright..." he cooed her, softly. She gave a small nod, as the tears flowed from her face. 

"How is it alright?!?" she exclaimed, as she sat up. Tears had been on her face. Kanan put his head in his hands, not matter how much he still could feel the burning of the saber. Kanan heard her let out another cry, and he sat back up and faced her. Or at least where he thought she was. Tears streamed down her face and she stared at her.

"Okay.." Kanan mumbled. "Just give me a minute."

 Sabine and Ezra both made a noise, letting their father-figure know they was ready for when he was. Kanan smiled at them, walking past Ezra and into the cave where he told him, his real name. His real identity. He grabbed a knife that Hera gave to him, before they left Base 1.  She thought he might need it, just in case. Kanan pulled it up towards my ponytail, cutting it off in one try. 

Caleb Dume, formally Kanan Jarrus walked out of the cave with his hair almost completely gone. Ezra chuckled at his master. 

"You ready?" he asked, as the rest of the Ghost crew walked over. Kanan faced Ezra, as Sabines good with Zeb and Mart. Kallus was with the three clones that had joined. 

"Let's go get Hera."

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