Life Back on Yavin

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Set during flight of the defender, for reference Ky does not go to Lothal with the others until Rebel Assault

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"Sending a transmission out?" Kanan questioned, as he noticed Hera sitting in the pilots seat to the U-wing.

She shook her head, "Waiting for one."

"I thought you told Ky not to transmit unless it's an emergency?"

"I did," she frowned, looking back to him, "I hate that Senator Mothma had her stay."

"I know," he sat in the seat next to her, "we all do. But she's tough, she'll be fine on her own."

Hera nodded, taking a deep breath, "Sabine and Ezra are out there, stranded. Being chased by the Empire. They crashed a TIE... they could be hurt for crying out loud. And Ky is back at base, alone."

"I understand being worried," he placed a hand on her shoulder, "they aren't kids anymore Hera. We have to trust that they can take care of themselves and each other."

"I do trust them," she looked up to him, "you know how I worry."

He chuckled, "Oh I know."

- - -

Ky opened her eyes, staring at the top of the bunk, sighing. Another day. Another mission, probably.

She hated the quiet aboard the Ghost, she was always used to waking up and going to the cockpit, where her mother always sat and drank her caff. Sabine was always up after her, but most of the time she stayed in her room and painted. Ky was always welcome in there, to watch as she filled her walls with color. They'd always have something to talk about. Kanan would usually be up by the time Ky left Sabine to herself, he was almost always with Hera when she saw him. Zeb and Ezra always rolled out of bed late, usually both of them scrambling to get ready for a briefing or a mission. Sometimes Ky would work with Chopper and steal something of theirs to make them panic. Some days it was their comms, or Ezra's saber. Ky never thought to steal Zeb's bo-rifle, and she never planned on doing it in the future.

But that hadn't happened in a few days. The rest of the crew, the rest of her family, was on Lothal. And she was barely even on the Ghost as it was. Mission after mission, just to go to another briefing afterwords.

Some mornings were nice, Rex would come aboard the Ghost to help with repairs and with the loneliness. He would tell her about the Clone Wars and what life was like with Wolffe and Gregor after the Empire formed. It was nice to hear some new stories. Eventually Ky and Rex had to leave the Ghost, the days work had to begin. Once in a while Ky could find a few moments to relax, or to talk with some of her friends.

In Ky's favor, Sato's Hammer was always in need of repairs. And Ky liked to spend time with Mart, Gooti, and Jonner. Sometimes when they all caught a break, they'd play a round of Sabacc or holochess with the other pilots. It felt good to be around other people. Usually she was on missions with them too, so it helped her get to know her squadron. And boy did she love having her own squadron.

"How's the hyperdrive doing?" Jonner asked from where he was sitting on the floor. Ky rolled her eyes,

"I don't even know what Mart did to it," she replied, "how did he manage to use up a fresh power cell on one mission? A supply run for crying out loud."

"Don't ask me," he chuckled, "maybe sometime you should fly for us."

"I'm not saying Mart's a bad pilot, I'm saying he needs to take care of his ship more."

Mart walked over, rolling his eyes, "Hey, I got the job done. That's what matters."

"You're lucky you even made it back here." Ky patted R3's dome as she slid out from underneath the hyperdrive.

"I've heard the stories," Mart replied, "you and your mother have gone through nebula's before. I think Sato's Hammer can handle a few scratches."

"Well," Ky stood up, "Sorry to break it to you, but without Chopper you're out of luck. I need him for my next mission."

"Chopper?" Jonner rose a brow, "you mean R3?"

Ky frowned, as R3 chirped from where he was besides her. She smiled softly at the droid,

"Sorry R3," she chuckled, looking back to Mart and Jonner, "try not to blow up your ship while we're gone."

"Lucky for you, my next mission is gonna take the Ghost."

Ky stopped at the doorway, "Excuse me?"

"Kallus is in charge of this one," Mart explained, "he knew you wouldn't need it."

"It's not Kallus' call."

"Rex is going too, don't worry."

She rolled her eyes, waving to them as she walked off the ship with R3 trailing behind her.

- - -

"Kallus!" She walked over to the man, glaring him down, "it is not your call to take the Ghost on a mission."

"Rex gave-"

"You permission, I know," she cut him off, "technically it isn't Rex's call either. It's mine."

"It's the only cargo ship we have for this mission," he told her, "other than that pile of junk." He gestured to Sato's Hammer.

Ky never thought she would be defending Mart's ship, but she refused to agree with Kallus,

"I fixed the hyperdrive and the shields," she placed her hands on her hips, "the ship is fine."

"I understand not trusting me," he looked to her, "but I'm on your side."

She shook her head, starting to walk away from him, "I need to grab my rifle before I go."

"Zeb trusts me," Kallus continued, "I figured if he trusts someone you would."

"I haven't told Zeb what you did," she shot him a glare, "he cares about you, and because I care about him, he doesn't know about it."

"Good to know..."

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I don't really know what this was but I wanted something canon for Ky in season 3/4 but I'm no where near there for her story thingy.

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