What Comes After

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The days events had left their marks on all five... four members of the Ghost crew, along with their friends. They all returned to their temporary base on Lothal, resting aboard the Ghost. 

For Hondo and Meltch, they were just happy to be alive. The old pirate was more than happy to have his friend alive, no matter how little he showed that he was. But, there was something missing, something that bothered him about the days events. Young Ezra Bridger was missing. His friend, the one person who gave him a reason to help the rebels. He cared for the boy, he would of done anything for him. Hondo wished things could be different, but the young boy made his choice. Hondo only had to remember that he was strong, Ezra would be able to handle himself until they could find him. 

Vizago also felt pity for the boy and his crew. He understood how close they all were, and he always liked something about the boy as well. He remembered the day he lean red Kanan and Bridger were Jedi, how he barely believed it until Bridger showed him. Ezra was something else, and he would of made a good Jedi if the order was still around. He made a good Jedi anyways. Still, the smuggler would of liked things to ends up different. The family, sometimes referred too as the Ghost crew, deserved to be together. After everything they had gone through.

Ketsu thought the best thing she could do for them was to stand with Sabine, try to comfort her through the hard times her friend was going through. She spared with the young Mandolorain, preparing to help protect Lothal. Ketsu told Sabine she was planning to stay on Ezra's home planet, that way she could do something to help while Sabine went back to Yavin. Ezra was a good person. Although Ketsu didn't know him well, she liked the boy. He was a strong fighter, and had the determination to do anything. The young woman was planning to help Sabine, even to help Ezra, in any ways she could. Protecting Lothal seemed like a good start. 

Both the old clones, Wolffe and Rex, were grieving in their own ways. Wolffe didn't know Kanan very well, so it wasn't taking as hard of a toll of him as it did to others. Rex, he lost both a friend, and a brother. Clones weren't the best at handling emotions. It wasn't in their programming. Both of them had lost a brother, and they both wanted to do something about it. They volunteered to do whatever they could for the Rebellion. Rex made his choice to go back to Yavin, whenever the Ghost crew did. He was going to make sure his brothers death wasn't in vein. Both of them were. And besides, it might help the young Jedi as well. They both owed him that. 

Ryder missed the young Ezra Bridger a lot. He was the only thing left of Mira and Ephraim, his reason for continuing to fight. He wanted the child to come back, as soon as he would be able. Ryder used to be governor of Lothal. He couldn't do it alone again. His plan was to see if Bridger would do it. He was fit to be a leader. He deserved it too, after everything he had done for Lothal. His parents would have been proud of him. Ryder was proud of the boy too. Truly. 

Like Ketsu, the former Imperial agent Kallus was trying to help comfort the members of the Ghost crew. They had taken him in, took care of him when he needed it. It was the best he could do in return, after everything they had done for him. He made sure to take care of Garazeb, who was his closest friend. Kallus wanted to help him through this tough times. After everything that had happened in the last few weeks, Kallus didn't know what else to do. Zeb showed him a long time ago he could do good for people. So, Kallus made sure to do just that for him. 

Chopper always pretended to hate the boy, just because. But after Ezra was gone,  the droid missed him dearly. He missed chasing him around the Ghost. He missed pranking him, and he missed being chased by him. He just missed the boy in general. The droid kept to himself after Ezra went missing. He didn't have anything to do. The fight was over for the time being. He was probably supposed to have time to do whatever, but the droid just repaired the Ghost, slowly. He was thinking about how to find the young boy he really cared for. 

Zeb was no longer his fun and energetic self. He felt lonely, being in the quiet room. He couldn't get it out of his head that he could of changed things. If he only had been fast enough. When he was down there, fighting Ruhk. Maybe he could of killed the beast quicker, he could of gotten back out to Hera and saved Ezra. Or he could of kept a closer eye on the kid, he wouldn't of left like that. Kallus didn't leave Zeb's side, but Zeb barely acknowledged him. He felt as though Ezra would of been there, if he had only done something. Seeing the picture Sabine had painted, all those years ago, seeing Ezra; it brought tears to his eyes.

Hera felt heartbroken. She had lost both her lover, and the person she always saw as a son. Sure, Ezra would be back, someday. But she felt like part of her was missing without them. Another part of her was filled with fear. She feared that she would fail her family, and she did. But now, she was afraid because her child was going to grow up without a father. She had no clue what to do. How could she raise a child alone? How could she even get through her pregnancy without Kanan? He was always there... and now he was gone. They were both gone. 

Sabine could barely focus on anything. She was worried sick about him. She was worried about her family too. But she trusted them. She trusted Ezra. But she made a promise. He was counting on her. She had to do something. She had too... So she searched. She searched and searched. It had only been a day. She couldn't find anything. But she knew Ezra was alive. He had to be! He was strong. He was a good fighter, and he was smart. He would be fine, but Sabine had to help him. Protect Lothal. That had to be what he meant. What else could it have been? Sabine wanted to look for him. She didn't know where to start or what to do. And she knew he wanted her, and everyone else to be safe. So she had to stay on Lothal. Hera gave her permission. Sabine was going to stay and fight for Ezra's planet. As a way to remember all that was lost. As a way to fulfill her promise to him. He could count on her. 

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