Child Services (Modern AU)

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Hera held the small boy in her arms, pressing a kiss on his forehead as she continued to make dinner. Her laptop sat on the counter besides the stove, as she was able to get some small bits of work done while she did everything else. Kanan hadn't come home from work yet, so it was harder for her to get what she needed done. Ezra needed to be with her or Kanan at all times, unless he was at daycare, where they both had a small break in the day. Sometimes Hera would wish that didn't happen, she wished Ezra would be okay in a different room. It was hard, managing work, trying to get her masters degree, her family, and everything else that came with life. At least Zeb and Sabine were able to handle themselves for the most part. They both were in another room, hopefully doing their homework for today. If they got any, it was the rare occasion when Sabine did. Zeb got it a few times a week, but he had an easy time with it. 

"Mommy!" Ezra cheered, as he put his arms around her neck. She smiled at him, knowing no matter how frustrated or stressed she was, she always loved him. The door opened, and Hera looked up from dinner and college stuff to see Kanan walking ingot he house. She gave a relived smile, since her stews would fly away when he helped take care of things. 

"Hey," he stated, as he placed his keys on the counter. He walked over and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. She smiled as they parted, when Kanan picked Ezra up from her arms. He smiled, spinning the boy around in the air. Ezra chuckled and Hera got back to working on dinner. 

"Can you check on Zeb and Sabine for me?" Hera asked, as she typed something up on her laptop. He nodded as he placed Ezra on the seat behind Hera. 

"You sit here for a minute buddy." Kanan softly told the boy. Ezra nodded as his eyes followed Kanan to the stairs, where he could no longer see his father. He frowned, but he looked back at his mother who was trying to manage too much at once. 

After a few minutes, Kanan came back downstairs Sabine following him. Hera smiled as she got some pepper from the cabinet. She sprinkled it onto whatever she was cooking on the stove. Sabine sat at the dining room table and watched Hera.

"Did you finish homework love?"  Hera asked, looking back at Sabine for a moment. Sabine nodded and smiled at her mother.Hera smiled back then looked back at their dinner. It was almost ready, just needed to cool off before if could be eaten. Hera put it on a plate and cut it up, placing it onto separate plates. 

"Hey mom." Zeb greeted as he came downstairs.

"Hey," Hera responded, "homework?" 

"It's all done."

"You guys did good with homework today." she remarked, "Maybe you deserve something special." Sabine and Zeb looked back with wide smiles, while Ezra didn't pay attention, instead he was playing with Sabine's long brown hair. 

"Really?" they said in unison. Hera nodded as Kanan came back in the room. She didn't even notice he had left, but he sat besides Ezra and had him stop playing with Sabine's hair. Ezra nodded and raised his arms, Kanan picking him up and holding him close. Ezra giggled a little as Hera placed a plate in form of everyone. 

"So, what's something you guys want?" Hera asked, as she started eating. Sabine and Zeb looked at each other, shrugging as they looked back to Hera. 

"It should't be something too big, but something small. Okay?" Kanan replied, "you both know money is a bit of a problem right now." They nodded in reply and Sabine whispered something into Zeb's ear. Zeb looked back with a smile and nodded. Before they could talk the orange cat jumped onto the stove and started messing with the keys on Hera's laptop. Hera sighed in annoyance as she got up to remove the cat. She gasped when she saw what he had done. 

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