Revival 0f A Prime

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine." I assured him. My eyes drifted off towards something unusual in the sky, it appeared as a little black spot at first, but as it got closer it got bigger. It disappeared, before I could get a good look. It just was gone in thin air.

It left me in confusion until a portal randomly appeared over my dad's head and a Con dropped through. It was too late to warn him as he was pinned to the ground, unaware of what was happening. It caused a shockwave from his landing, forcing soldiers to the ground and 'bots to their knees. He reached for my dad's chest, pushing away the hand that tried to stop him and snatched the Matrix out of his chest.  "My Matrix!" He grinned evilly. "Hey!" He looked up at me, giving me a chance to get a good look at him.

I know him! It's the Fallen! He looks just like the image Jetfire had shown us.

"Get off of him!"

He snarled at me, showing his nasty teeth. "Shut your mouth, you disgusting piece of flesh!"

Hey, words hurt.

I stood my ground. The snarl on his face slowly turned into a evil grin. "Perhaps," He started. "You could come to good use, human."


Dad growled angrily, "No!"  He struggled against him, only to have a large foot planted against his chest. "Get off of him, you overgrown beast!" I stomped towards him with an angry stare. "Liza no! Get back!" Dad commanded, struggling to remove the foot off his chest. He cackled with laughter and reached for me.

"No! Leave her alone!"

He snatched me up, before I could even get away. "Put me down!" I demanded, hitting against his hand. "Liza! No!"

The Fallen's body rumbled with evil laughter and then....we were gone. He disappeared with me in hand.

"Hey! Let me....go." I was completely baffled when I found myself on top of a pyramid in just two seconds. "What the....."

"Fallen, my master." The sound of the grave voice drew my attention to Megatron, standing on the other side. I was about to go give him a piece of my mind, but I was held in place.

"Oh..." I had forgotten that I was captured. I looked up at my and grimaced at my kidnapper's ugly features.

I am no one to judge.

"My master, what are you doing with this human pest?" Megatron spoke, while saying human as if he was disgusted.

I can't believe these guys believe that I'm human. It's actually kinda funny.

"I figured that it could become to good use to us. Optimus Prime seemed very protective of it, perhaps we could use it against him."

"Wise choice, master."

"Hey." I spoke up. "I'm not an "it". You could at least refer to me as she or her."

Megatron chuckled darkly, "This one is small, but is brave."


"Hey, can you let me go?"


I was rudely ignored.

"What nice manners you have." I muttered to myself. I took notice of the large machine in front on us. It looked like some type of pointy....laser thing.

"My brothers could not stop me from this." The Fallen opened his hand, revealing the Matrix of Leadership and put it in a small slot of the machine.

The machine looked awfully familiar. I think this is the machine that Jetfire spoke of.


"Now I claim your sun." The Fallen said, once the machine began to power up.

This was the machine he was planning to use from the start! Just like Jetfire had shown us. I had to stop them or the Earth's Sun was going to be destroyed!

"Oh, no you don't!" I pounded my fists on his hand as hard as I could, but it was clearly ineffective towards him. I could see the amused look on his face.

I didn't want to have to do this, but I had no choice. I had to do this to protect the Earth.

It was a struggle, but I was able to outstretch his hand and maximize. He dropped me to the ground and the two Cybertronians stared at me in shock. I took this chance to ram Megatron off the peak of the Pyramid. I had to use all of my strength, because he's a big Con..and I'm barely half his size....duh.

I didn't think it would work, but he went tumbling down..somehow.

I actually felt proud of myself....for like a good six seconds until I felt a presence behind me and a low growl.

I had no idea what to do next. Never went through no sorts of training or had any experience with fighting.

And this guy doesn't play nice.

I thought about punching him, but last time I checked metal and flesh doesn't go together.

I turned to face him, only to have his hand wrap around my throat and lift me into the air. He held me over the edge with a dangerous smirk on his face. "You're no human. What are you?"

I clawed at his hands to remove them from around my throat and doing whatever I could to get him to release me, so I could breath. My vision was going blurry, but I kept fighting. I kicked at his chest with my legs, but I could feel my body getting weaker.

His smirk grew wider as he tightened his hold around my throat. All the remaining strength left my body. It was hard to keep my eyes open as I slowly began to fade out of consciousness.

"Oh well. It doesn't matter now."

He released his grip and I felt myself falling in the air. My head hit a brick and I was knocked out.

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