::Um...let's see here...According to my calculations...you are correct. You have now arrived at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Enjoy your stay.::

"Oh. How long before we get to Sam?" I asked, sitting up as the front seat adjusted to its previous state.

::In a few minutes dude...hide.::

"Hide? 'Hide is here?" I questioned, searching for a GMC Black Topkick out the window.

::No...you need to..hide.::


::No one...is supposed to know you're here.::

"I'm sure Sammy won't tell."

::Just do it.::

"Fine." I crawled back into the backseat, careful to not leave any footprints on the leather seats.

::Lay low.::

"Do I need to lay on the floor?"



::Cause...I said so missy!::

"This isn't fair." I mumbled, squeezing between the seats to lay on the floor.

::One more thing out of you....you'll find yourself...in...the trunk.::

I instantly shut my mouth, knowing he would carry up his threat. It happened once before.

Definitely not a few times.

::That's what I thought.::

"I'm telling dad." I muttered under my breath.

::Huh? What was that?::



"I didn't say anything!"

::Thought so.::

Big Bully.

::Shhhh....don't say a word...driving up to the....University.::

"Why can't I say anything? Sam knows me." I stated.

::....In the trunk you go.::

"No no I'm sorry! Ok I understand. I'll stop." I quickly said.

::Just...be quiet.::


I looked out the window across from me, seeing large buildings coming into view. There was lampposts, statues, statues made out of bushes, and dorm rooms. Then a confused, slightly frightened student pass by. More students passed by. And teachers.

Wait where are we?

Bee's speed increased a bit until he came to a sudden stop, making all types of car noises and alarms right after.

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