I saw other bots' enter the hangar after him, driving past to another part of the hangar.

I saw Will on the stairway thingy with other humans, talking to my dad and soliders at computers.

I could make out a few words with my advanced hearing, but couldn't exactly hear what the conversation was about, due to the loud chatters of passing men and women and me being on the other side of the base.

And no I don't dwell on everyone's conversation. Well...I try not to.

I walked over, curious about what was going on, but kept a distance to not be seen.

Which really wouldn't be a problem.

I saw Will walk down the stairway to greet the man in the business suit.

"Director Galloway." He acknowledged.

So that's his name.

"What an honor. Let me show you around, but gotta be in the classified access list."

" I am now." Mr. Galloway spat, shoving the paper into Will's chest and walking past him. "Presidential order, Major. I got a message for your classified space buddies. You guys made a mess in Shanghai."

Will quickly caught up and lead him into the hangar.

"Alright, so this is where we communicate with the JCS and this area serves as the Autobot's hangar." Will explained.

"Secured line to JCS is up, Major."

Will sprinted up the stairway and walked in front of a camera when a man appeared on a screen.

"Saw the Shanghai op. It was a rough day." I heard a voice.

"Yes, sir. We have intel that I believe warns an immediate debrief. Now with your permission, I can't let you see him but I would like you to hear from the
leader of the Autobots." Will said.


Will turned to Dad and motioned for him to speak.

"General, our alliance has countermanded six Decepticons incursions this year. Each on a different continent. They're clearly searching around the world for something. But yesterday's encounter came with a warning."

The Fallen Shall Rise Again.

The Fallen?

I knew I shouldn't be listening on this conversation, but I'm too curious about this Fallen.

Is that another Cybertronian or just a...thing?

"The Fallen. Meaning what?"

"Origin: Unknown. They only recorded history of our race was contained within the All-Spark, lost with its destruction."

"Excuse me!" My eyes flicked over to Galloway as he began to climb up the stairway. "If this so called "All-Spark" is now destroyed, Why hasn't the enemy left like you thought they would?" He asked my dad.

The All-Spark? Dad mentioned that to me once or twice. Had something to do with Megatron.

"Director Galloway, our National Security Advisor, the President just appointed him liasion." Will explained towards the camera.

"Forgive me, for the interruption General. Excuse me coming through." Galloway said, pushing past soldiers. "After all the damage in Shanghai, the President is, uh.... hard-pressed to say the job's getting done. Now under the classified Alien Autobot Cooperation Act, you are agreeing to share your Intel with us, but not your advancement in weaponry."

"We witnessed your human capacity for war. It would absolutely bring more harm than good." Dad said.

"But who are you to judge what's best for us?"

For some reason I now felt anger towards this guy. He was being very rude.

I saw Epps step forward and stand beside my dad's feet.

"With all due respect, we've been fighting side-by-side in the field for two years." Will said.

"We've shared blood, sweat and precious metal together." Epps said proudly.

Galloway looked down at Epps, rolling his eyes.

"Soldier you paid to shoot, not talk."

"Don't tempt me." He muttered angrily.

"Easy." Dad whispered towards Epps.

"And the uh....newest members of your team. I understand they arrived here after you sent a message into space. An open invitation to come to Earth, embedded by no one at the White House." Galloway continued.

"Let me stop you right there, Mr. Galloway." The General spoke up.

If anybody hadn't said anything, I would've.

"It was bedded right here. And in my experience, the judgement of both Major Lennox and his team, has always been above reproach."

"Well be that as it may, General, it is the position of the President that when our national security is at stake, no one is above reproach we know so far? We know that the enemy leader, classified NBE-1, AKA Megatron,is resting in peace at the bottom of the Laurentian Abyss, surrounded by societs detection nets
and a full-time submarine surveillance." We also know that the only remaining piece of your alien All-Spark is locked in an electromagnetic vault, here on one of the most secure naval bases in the world."

Is he trying to prove something?

"And since no one...can seem to tell me what the enemy is now after, well, there--there's only one clear conclusion: You. The Autobots. They're here to hunt you. What's there to hunt for on Earth besides that? "The Fallen... shall rise again"? Sounds to me like something's coming. So let me ask if we ultimately conclude that our national security is best served by denying you further asylum on our planet, will you leave peacefully?"


I clenched my fists tightly as my anger began to boil. This guy is really working my last nerve.

He wants my family to leave the planet after saving millions of lives and the entire world?

"Freedom is your right. If you make that request, we will honor it." Dad replied calmly.


Everyone in the hangar paused and looked towards the sudden sound, but fortunately I was quick enough to hide behind a nearby crate, before anyone could spot me. They all glanced at each other, before going back to what they were doing.

"But before your president decides, please ask him this. What if we leave and you're wrong?" Dad asked.

"That's a good question." Will whispered loudly towards Galloway. Galloway only shook his head, before giving my dad a nervous look. He shivered under his firm gaze, as he quickly ran down the stairway, mumbling something under his breath.

"Alright Major I think we should wrap things up for this meeting this week. I expect another report by next week."

"Yes sir." Will said, folding his hands behind his back and looking towards the camera again. "Major Lennox, out." He gave a sharp salute, before the screen was cut off.

Will sighed and turned towards my dad with a worried expression. He leaned on the rail and motioned for my dad to come closer.

"You were just kidding about the "leaving the planet" thing...right?"

"I'm afraid not Major Lennox. If your president decides for us, Autobots to leave then we will leave with no further argument."

Lennox shook his head with a heavy sigh.

"Hopefully it won't come to that."

Don't worry it won't cause I won't allow it.

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