Kyle or Kylie

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Johns POV

Pre-season went surprisingly well, and surprisingly quickly. The month we had off was spent well, one week Brad and I spent in the Bahamas, just us two and the sun. We would stay in bed until 1pm singing to the small bump that was appearing on her belly, eating bagels with smoked salmon for breakfast along with multiple cups of coffee, decaf of course because of the baby. The next week we went to Las Vegas, meeting up with a few of the other guys there. Celebrating the season we had with everyone was more than I could ever imagine.

"John!" Bradleigh shouted from the other room, snapping me back into reality "could you get me a orange juice please!" She said.

"Of course my darling" I replied and poured her a fresh juice. She was secretly freaking out as today was our 5 month scan and we could find out the sex of the baby. So far everything to do with the pregnancy was going well, but I could tell Bradleigh was still scared because of last time. I walked into the front room where brad was sat on her laptop editing some Pre-season training videos. Pep let me have the day off today so I could go to the hospital with her and then we would go to training later.

"I suppose we better go" she huffed half an hour later and closed her laptop.

"I promise, everything will be okay" I took her hands in mine when she stood up. She smiled weakly which I interrupted with a kiss.

"Miss Reynolds?" A nurse came out and called out her name. I grabbed Bradleighs hand and squeezed it for support.

"Right, you ready?" The nurse smiled. Bradleigh nodded and lifted up her plain black top so the nurse could scan her belly. Due to what happened last time she was pregnant all the doctors and nurses were especially careful in having a look at both the baby and Bradleigh. "Okay so here is the head, and these are the feet there" she smiled and pointed to the small screen. "Everything is perfect"

"Oh wow" Bradleigh smiled, I could see her eyes welling up. "Perfect?" She repeated.

"Perfect" the nurse smiled back. "Now do you want to know the sex?"

"No, whatever the baby wants to be, they will be" I smiled. Which is true, nowadays we shouldn't just assume what the baby may want to be.

"You have it? Right there?" Bradleigh then pointed to the doctors written notes.

"Yeah?" The nurse replied, as if that were obvious.

"But we don't want to know, do we now?" I raised an eyebrow to her.

"No, you're right" she smiled.

"Okay well if you want to sort yourself out, I'll just go and print some of the scans for you" the nurse said and closed the file. She smiled and left us in the room.

"Don't you think all babies look the same?" Bradleigh said as she got herself off the bed and looked up at the wall which was covered in different peoples babies.

"You can't say that" I half laughed.

"Oh come on! That one in the top right is the worse"

"Which one?"

"The one that's eyes follow you wherever you go" she laughed.

"You really can't say that" I tried not to laugh and turned around to face her. "Bradleigh! What are you doing?" I said quickly as I saw her taking a look into the file.

"I didn't see anything I swear!" She held her hands up immediately.

"I can't believe you did that!"

"John! I didn't see anything I promise"

"Just don't tell me, I don't wanna know"

"I can't tell you because I didn't see it!" She protested. "I'm going to the loo, I'll meet you by the car"

Bradleighs POV

"How could you do that?" John said for the millionth time when we were in the car on the way to the etihad, just in time for lunch.

"John for the last time I promise I didn't see it!" I huffed "I don't know if we are having a Kyle or a Kylie for fucks sake"

We arrived at the etihad and I parked up my car. John went ahead of me to go and get changed so I made my way to the cafeteria.

"How'd it go?" Kevin asked.

"Are you having a Kyle or a Kylie?" Kyle interrupted.

"We don't know, and we don't want to know"

"Which is a lie isn't it" John walked in. I rolled my eyes before I could respond. "Because someone looked in the file didn't they"

"John, I'm going to get really pissed off in a minute, I didn't see" the tone in my voice changed.

"Oh really, is you're just going to sit here and pretend that you don't know we are having a boy" he said, everyone went silent.

"What?" I stood up, shocked.

"What?" He responded, finally realising that I was saying the truth the whole time, that I didn't really know.

"We're having a boy?" I said more as a question.

"Well I don't know, you tell me" he scratched the back of his head. I covered my mouth, not sure whether I was shocked or I was about to cry.

"You looked?"

"I thought you looked!" He said "when you went to the toilet I had to look, I couldn't bare not knowing if you did"

"So just to be clear here, you're having a Kyle right?" Kyle interrupted the conversation. Kevin lightly hit him, signalling for him to stop.

"I can't believe it" I smiled. "We're having a baby boy"

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