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Bradleigh's POV

I woke up in the morning, of course earlier than John, who slept like a baby next to me. I checked the time and it was nearly lunchtime already. The sun was already beaming through the clouds to make it acceptable for me to wear a blue bikini paired with a floral headband. I put on my Nike sliders and made my way to the beach to see if any of the other guys were there.

Most of the guys were playing some kind of football game where the ball was not aloud to touch the floor. I sat over with Kevin and Oleksandr on some chairs whilst I ordered some food over.

"I couldn't sleep last night" Kevin said. "So I started looking through the Man City Instagram page"

"Right yeah?" I said, a bit confused as to why he was mentioning this.

"And I've noticed there is not 1 single photo of you on there" he added. I buried my eyebrows and grabbed a beer.

"Maybe because it's a Man City Instagram page" I half laughed.

"But you're part of the Man City team, there is literally a picture of everyone apart from you"

"I don't think Man City followers want to see me though" I shrugged.

"I think they do, come on" he took my phone out of my hand. "Smile then" he said.

"Kevin, come on" I rolled my eyes.

"I won't give it back until you smile" he said sternly. I rolled my eyes again and reluctantly smiled thinking this would mean that he would just hand the phone back.

"Okay now what are you doing?" I said as I saw him typing on my phone.

@mancity: hey guys, it's Kevin here

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@mancity: hey guys, it's Kevin here. Just thought that I would shout out this incredible lady who keeps us all grounded and sane around here, although she is one of the lads she is one superwomen @bradleighreynolds ❤️❤️

He handed me my phone back and I read the little caption that he put.

@johnstonesofficial: my girlfriend > any other girl

@sterling7: bLADleigh

@johnstonesofficial: @sterling7 probably the most clever thing you have ever come up with

@bradleighreynolds: not going to get called my real name anymore, thanks @sterling7

John strolled over from our room and sat down with Kevin, Oleksandr and myself.

"Yeah just steal my food, that's totally fine" I rolled my eyes for what felt like the millionth time today as John took a slice of pizza from my plate.

"Great, thanks" he smiled. Whilst the guys messed around on the beach, I spent time recording and filming videos for my channel and the City channel. I made sure that all the guys knew what time we had to leave so we got to the airport in enough time.

"Hey Mark!" I smiled and opened a FaceTime call from him.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Yeah, you know what I actually do feel more like myself, even though it hasn't really been a break as such because I've basically worked the whole time but it has really cleared my head" I smiled.

"So when are you coming down to London next?" He asked.

"Oh did I not tell you? I'm coming down with John when we get back, my mum wrote to me the other day and said my dad has been diagnosed with Dementia so I'm going to go and see him"

"So you're coming for a day? Or what?" He then asked.

"I think I might stay for the weekend? I guess it depends how the meeting goes"

"Well we will have to meet up and get absolutely smashed" he laughed.

"100 percent" I laughed back. We had a bit more of a gossip and then I hung up to carry on working.

The flight back to Manchester was short and simple, everyone was too relaxed to be their usual selves - which involves shouting, singing and throwing stuff about. This gave me time to read over the letter than my mother sent me a couple of times.

"Bradleigh, if you need some time, just take it" Pep saw me reading the letter. "Can I?" He then asked, signalling that he wanted to read the letter.

"It's hard to explain my mum, there is just something about this letter that is off" I hugged and handed Pep the letter.

"So you don't speak to your mum?" He asked.

"I don't talk to my whole family" I half laughed. "They're just not the type of people I need in my life"

"But your dad is different?"

"I think my Dad is only with my mum because he doesn't want the hassle of getting a divorce. And well now, there isn't much point" I shrugged.

"Is John coming with you?" He then asked me.

"Yeah, I said he didn't have to but he insisted" I smiled, thinking about how cute the gesture was.

"Well, just let me know how it does yeah?" Pep smiled.

Everyone got of the plane and made their way to the separate cars or people that were picking them up.

"Hey, Bradleigh!" Annie, Kyles girlfriend waved to me. "I'll give you a lift back home" she politely offered. John had gone with Raheem.

"Thank you" I smiled and Kyle politely offered his seat up in the from for me, which I also accepted graciously.

"So we definitely have to go out soon!" She clapped. "I mean without the boys is well, a proper girley night" she smiled.

"Yeah that would be nice" I smiled. "And when the girls from London come up you should definitely come out with us" I added.

She pulled up outside my house and Kyle said he would help me with my bags.

"Thanks for inviting Annie out" he smiled. "She doesn't have many friends you know" he added.

"What? Really?!" I said shocked.

"Yeah, she gets really anxious sometimes, some of the other wags haven't been so nice to her" he frowned.

"Oh wow, I had no idea" I said. The only girlfriends I had met was Kyles and Kevin's and they both seemed nice enough. "I'll definitely organise something then" I added.

"Thanks Brad, it means a lot" he smiled. "And good luck with your parents" he added.

"Thanks Kyle, see you soon" I smiled and let myself into my place. I unpacked my bag and then re packed it with acceptable clothes to wear in London. Although I was there to see my dad I wanted to show to my Mum how successful I actually was. I made sure that I packed my finest clothes in my Louis Vuitton bag. I know you're not meant to judge success in materialistic ways but how else am I meant to show her.

"Hey you ready?" John phoned me. "I'll drive?" He then suggested.

"It's a long drive John, you don't have to"

"No it's fine, I'm already on my way. See you in five"

Too Much - John StonesWhere stories live. Discover now