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Bradleigh's POV

I arrived at the airport and made my way to the lounge where the city guys would always meet before a flight. Of course I was running late so with my small Louis Vuitton suitcase in one hand and then my gym bag and a Starbucks in another hand, I jogged through the airport to the lounge.

"I was starting to think that you had set us up here!" Pep laughed as I burst through the door. Half an hour before the plane was about to take off.

"Well you should know me by now, never on time" I smiled. An attendant came over and took my case to load onto the plane. I thanked them and went to sit down.

"So you promise we won't be doing any of this walking on top of flying planes and shit like that?" Delphy repeated himself for the third time.

"Yes I promise! Now please I'm trying to work" I half laughed but began to get annoyed.

"Okay, just when I'm promised a holiday I'm expecting a holiday" he raised an eyebrow.

"And you will get a holiday if you leave me alone" I put my headphones in and began editing a video.

About 20 minutes later everyone boarded the plane. I took my usual spot last in line to board as I would just take the last seat that was available. However when I entered the plane the usual seat that was left was taken for once. I scanned the plane to look for a seat, right near the front where Pep and the important people sit.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" I asked Pep.

"Of course, as long as you don't mind hearing about match tactics" he laughed.

"What do you think I hear about when I'm with the guys half the time" I replied and rolled my eyes. I sat down and unpacked my stuff.

Even with my headphones on the loudest volume, I could not hear my footage with all the coaches shouting about what formation to use and then all the boys at the back singing Oasis songs. Luckily the fight wasn't that long so by the time we took off it felt as if we were already landing.

As I walked off the plane I took in a deep breath of the warm air and then made sure that all the guys got into their taxis to take them to the airport. I told them they had a few hours to unpack and chill out and then we can all go for a meal in the small town later on tonight.

Once I arrived at the hotel, John had already got himself ready to go to the beach and said he would wait for me but he was racing Kyle to the sea. I laughed as this gave me time to change into a simple black bikini and then a white float kimono with a burgundy coloured belt. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and then grabbed myself some magazines to read down at the beach.

"Okay before you guys start playing just take a photo for the gram" I forced my phone into Johns hands so he could take a few photos.

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