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Bradleighs POV

I know it's 4 am and I've only just arrived at Manchester, but I knew I needed to see John. I pulled up outside his apartment block where Pep also lives and typed in to code to his place. Annoyingly John doesn't keep a spare key in the plant pot outside his house.

From Kevin x

Bradleigh Reynolds, why have I just seen your car drive past my place and in the direction of John Stones'?

To Kevin x

I need to tell him how I really feel, I mean, is this a good idea? X


Why do you fall asleep at the WORST times

Fuck sake Kev, I'm going to do it anyway.

I took a couple of deep breaths and held my hand out to knock on his door. Before my hand could make a connection with the door. It opened.

"Bradleigh? I thought I heard something out here, wait aren't you meant to be with Harry? In London?" He asked me multiple questions. "Wait, erm, come in" he held the door open for me. Still in my little black dress, heels and Harry's jacket I sat down on Johns sofa.

"Well John, I'm sorry" was all I could blurt our. Well done Brad, good one. John was in a pair of shorts and a navy blue top. His hair was messy and eyes bloodshot from where he had woken up. He just took my hand in his and half smiled, but avoided eye contact.

"I will never forget the day I met the boy who stole my heart, he looked like a heartbreaker, the one to leave a girl completely weak at the knees. He was gorgeous, I was immediately mesmerized by his dangerous eyes. He had a smile that I simply couldn't ignore. He just looked like someone who had his life all together, like he knew where he wanted to go and needed to be. I became fascinated with a boy whom I didn't even know the name of but something about him made me become insanely attached. He was a mystery, an exciting adventure, interesting and intimidating. I soon learned he had a lot of love inside of him that he was willing to give to the right girl and I spent nights wishing upon every star, that I would be the girl he chose and the girl he loved"

"What are you talking about?" He giggled. "Wait, who are you talking about?" He then asked.

"When I first met you John, I didn't like you. You didn't like me either, and everyone knows that. But when I kissed you that night of Kyle and Annie's party, for the whole week after I would lay in bed and get all fluttery feelings in my belly and then I wouldn't be able to sleep so I would text Kevin and ask if you had said anything about me that day. Then I would wonder if I was just being stupid and that you probably were fast asleep with not even one thought about me"

"Recently, I would wake up in the morning and it would hit me. I lost the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I fucking lost you"

"Well, do you want me back?" I smirked.

"Really?" His eyes lit up.

"Why else did you think that I would turn up here at 4am?" I smiled.

"I don't know, it get the pack of cigarettes you left in my coat" he laughed.

"I'm sorry for putting you through all of this John. I was wrong and I shouldn't of done all this stupid shit that I did. I shouldn't of broke up with you, I shouldn't of left and I shouldn't of slept with Winks" I huffed

"Shhhh" He said. "It's okay" he kissed me on the lips. "You're here now and that is all that matters"

"I love you Stones" I smiled into another kiss.

Too Much - John StonesWhere stories live. Discover now