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Johns POV

I arrived at training on Monday after a long weekend. We weren't training properly at the moment due to some of the guys being away for the international break however Pep insisted that we came in and went to the gym or had a kick about when we could.

"Where's Brad?" Raz asked me as we changed from the running machine to do some weights.

"She's finally gone to the doctors about her not feeling well" I said.

"You think she's alright?" He then asked.

"Yeah, I think it's because she just works too much, it's having an effect on her physically" I huffed. I know she would be alright, she couldn't not be alright.

"But don't say that because then she will stop coming here!" He frowned.

"I swear you fancy my girlfriend more than I do" I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah fully still can't believe that she choose you over me" he laughed. "I mean I am peng"

"Well I guess she just thinks that I'm more peng" I shrugged. He half laughed and moved his tongue over his teeth.

"It's at that point now where if you did break up I couldn't even move to her"

"I don't think that we will break up"

"You think she's the one?"

"I mean it's only been like what 6 or 7 months and I don't know bro, I've never felt this way" I half smiled.

"can I be your best man?" He began to get all excited.

"I'm afraid Kyle has already shot gunned that role" I laughed. Raheem rolled his eyes and began squatting weights.

From: Bradleigh x

On way now, got the all clear! Guess you were right, which is annoying x

To: Bradleigh x

See I told you! Maybe you aren't always right. Love you x

Although Brad and I say that we love each other on text. I haven't fully said to her that I love her and she hasn't said that she loves me. I was thinking of doing something special for her. Taking her away for the weekend somewhere, taking her for a nice meal or something. There is just the problem of her and I not working for a whole weekend. The fact that she now knows she actually has to work less means we can have more time for stuff like this.

"John, have you heard from Brad?" Pep walked over to me along with Kevin.

"Yeah all good, the doctors told her to just chill out with the work because it's making her stressed" I explained.

"That's good, we can all monitor it is well" Pep smiled. "I know I keep saying this but she is vital for our team"

"I promise I'll look after her coach"

Bradleigh's POV

"Brad what's up?" Kevin began to panic as I asked to speak to him privately in my office. I had only just got back from the doctors and told the guys I was just filming something quickly with Kevin, that's why I needed him alone. I didn't reply to his comment until we both got inside my office. Once he entered I quickly looked around and then locked the door.

Too Much - John StonesWhere stories live. Discover now