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Bradleigh's POV

"You coming out to celebrate tonight then?" Raheem asked me.

"Of course, I'm going back to Winks' to get ready, you guys are welcome to join?" I suggested.

"Maybe its best if we meet you guys there" Raheem replied with, looking over to John who was talking with Vinny.

"Yeah no worries" I smiled. I said goodbye to everyone and jumped into my car to drive to Winks'.

When I arrived he was there with Dele, Eric, Kane and Tripps who decided to watch the match around Winks' place. There were empty beer bottles and pizza boxes in the kitchen where I made space for my bags.

"Although it hurts me to say this, but congratulations" Winks' smiled and handed me a beer.

"Thank you darling" I giggled. The rest of the guys said congratulations and sat around the kitchen island.

"So did you speak to John at all?" Dele asked.

"Nope, he tried to smile at me but I just ignored him" I explained. Whenever Johns name got bought up Winks would walk away or not even look at me. "But everyone's going out tonight if you guys want to come?" I then suggested.

"Yeah sounds like a good idea" Tripps smiled. They were already basically ready, however I was covered in different alcohols and water from the dressing room celebrations. I had a quick shower and began to get myself ready.

I was seriously running out of clothes to wear as most of my stuff was still up in Manchester. Kevin bought me down some more clothes today so I had a slight more selection. I found a cute black bralet which I paired with some leather looking trousers, a sheer black top over the bralet and then a simple black fluffy jacket.

I sat down on Winks' bed and took my blonde hair out of the towel so quickly dry and loosely curly. I was conscious of the guys downstairs getting annoyed at how long I was taking so I did my make up quite simply and added a nude matte lipstick to finish it off. I finished the look with my signature black strappy heels and a couple of sprays of perfume. I chucked all my stuff I would need in a small bag and walked down the stairs.

"There she is!" Dele clapped and Winks wolf whistled at my entrance into the front room. I did a little twirl and walked over to the table to pour myself a drink.

"Right is everyone ready now? I can book an Uber?" Kane asked. His partner Katie and Kieran's partner Charlotte has also arrived.

"Oh god, it's so nice to have some girls out with me for once" I laughed. In Manchester I'm always to only girl that goes out with the guys as usually Kevin's wife is looking after their little one and well there is no way Kyles ex is going to want to come out with us. Us girls all cheered and did a few shots before the Uber arrived.

Winks took my hand and helped me into the taxi as somehow it was decided that we had to sit right in the back to make sure everyone could fit.

"You look lovely" Winks' smiled so I turned my body to face him.

"And so do you" I giggled. He was in a black polo shirt with grey, black checkered trousers and a pair of white Gucci trainers. Dele and Eric started laughing at something which caused my attention to turn to the front of the car but yet again got interrupted by a flash coming from Winks' phone.

"What are you doing?" I laughed as he began to type away on his phone.

"You'll see" he smiled. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched what he was typing.

@harrywinks: she looks insane, I know

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@harrywinks: she looks insane, I know. Also she knows the offside rule x

@bradleighreynolds: Winks u need to stop being so damn adorable

@user1234: finally Bradleigh is with someone who will treat her right

@dele: how are you two being so cute and I didn't even realise

@harrywinks: you were too busy being cute with Dier

@user5678: am I the only one who still thinks that her and John belong together??

Before I could read anymore comments we arrived at the club. The media must of found out that everyone was coming here tonight as when we arrived loads of paparazzi were there. Winks stood out of the taxi first and put his hand out for me to take which I gladly accepted. We then both walked into the club hand in hand behind Kane and Katie.

"ayyy Bradleigh!" Bernardo jogged over straight away and pulled me out of Winks' grip. "Come and celebrate with us!" He added. Winks said that he would bring me a drink and that I deserve to go and celebrate.

"Look who I found!" Bernando then announced to everyone. Johns hair was messy, but the nice messy. He was wearing a black and grey flannel shirt along with a pair of skinny black jeans. His face was all cut up which I didn't notice from the match. I said hello to everyone and began to mingle around.

"Erm, Congratulations" I coughed awkwardly to gain Johns attention who was sat alone on his phone.

"Oh hey, thanks" He half smiled.

"You did this all today?" I pointed to my face, but asking about his.

"Naa, a couple of days ago" he simply said but looked over to Kyle who had a clear black eye. I put two and two together and soon realised they had a fight.

"So I've bought myself an apartment down here"

"What about your job at city?" He burrowed his eyebrows.

"I'll come back when the season starts, I just think it's best that after the champions league we don't see each other for a couple of months" I then explained. "Kevin is going to send the rest of my stuff down during the week" I added.

"I can't believe you're actually going" he took my hand into his. Where it felt the most comfortable.

"You have absolutely broken me John. You were the one person I told everything too. I let you into my insecurities and my family which you know I'm embarrassed about. I feel like you have just kicked me down" I huffed.

"Can I asked you one more question?"


"Does Winks really treat you right?"

"You want the truthful answer?" I asked him back. He nodded nervously.

"He treats me like a queen"

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