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John's POV

"Sorry sir, this girl here is crying, do you know what's wrong?" Her Dad then spoke up to me.

"She's just a bit upset mate" I huffed. "Anyway mate, what's your name?"

"Andrew" he replied with. "What about you?" He then asked.

"John" i smiled. "And this is my girlfriend, Bradleigh"

"Ah, you know what my daughter just came in a minute ago, you would love her. Her name is Bradleigh" he spoke up, a saw Bradleigh look up for a minute. "Unusual name for a girl actually, my daughter was named after Scott Bradley, a favourite composer of mine. He was a man though so I had to spell it differently to a man Bradley, you know" He then explained.

"Dad, I am Bradleigh, your daughter Bradleigh" she stood up from her seat.

"No" he shook his head. "My daughter has brown hair, look at this photo"

"Dad, I have dyed my hair, look at my roots" she pointed to the top of hair which was coming through slightly brown.

"No no no" he began to get agitated. "My daughter doesn't even talk to me"

"Mum told me that you were ill I came straight down"

"I've been ill for two years now, my wife said that Bradleigh didn't care" he frowned.

"Dad please believe me" she took his hand. "It's me, Bradleigh, Bradleigh Reynolds"

"No, no you're not!" He shouted and pushed her away. The nurses must of heard him shouted and burst in.

"Mr Reynolds, what's wrong?" A nurse said.

"This women, she's trying to tell me that she's my daughter!" He shouted. He was shaking a lot. "She's crazy! She needs to leave!"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry but you're going to have to go" the nurse huffed and escorted out of the room.

"I'm sorry about that sir" I sat down on the chair by some tables. He sat down opposite me.

"Whoever she is, she is very beautiful" he stated. "Anyway who are you?" He then asked.

"I'm your daughters boyfriend" I smiled.

"My daughter?" He questioned.

"Yeah, you know Bradleigh"

"Ah yes Bradleigh, How is she?" He asked me.

"She's amazing, she talks about you a lot" I smiled. "She thinks you were such an amazing Dad" I added.

"I miss her, but with all of this" he pointed to his head. "I probably wouldn't remember her" he huffed.

"She did want to come, but she is so busy at the moment" I said and then explained a bit more about what she does.

"So what do you do as a job?"

"I'm a footballer"

"No way is my daughter going out with a footballer" he laughed. "What team?"

"Man City" I smiled.

"Ooooh" he pulled a face. "Spurs fan I am, shame though, I can't really watch football anymore, I can't keep up with the game, I just forget it" he shrugged.

"Well I have a few mates that play for spurs, if you wanna meet them one day?"

"You can do that?" His eyes beamed.

"Of course I can buddy" I smiled. "But I need a favour in return" I added.

"Sure, go ahead"

"You know your daughter?"

"Bradleigh?" He said more of a question. I nodded in response.

"Well the thing is, I really do love her and we might not get a chance to see you again. So I was just wondering if one day, could I marry her?" I asked and a massive wave of nervousness came across me. Although he's not really with it, it is still his daughter.

"I would love for you to marry my daughter" he smiled and looked like he was going to cry. "Only if I meet a Tottenham player, the best one" he added.

"Anything for your daughter"

Bradleigh's POV

I didn't know whether to be upset or angry about the whole situation. A nurse escorted me to the waiting room.

"Bradleigh?" I women questioned.

"Mum?" I responded. Decided that I was now definitely angry.

"How was your father?" She asked.

"I suppose you know, considering he's been here for what? Two years now?" I raised a eyebrow.

"Oh darling" she started.

"Don't" I held my hands up. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't realise how serious it was" she frowned.

"Don't give me that bullshit" I spat.

"Bradleigh, don't you dare talk to me like that" she responded with.

"What are you going to do? Ground me? Oh wait I'm 23 years old"

"Have some respect, gosh you never learn do you?" She rolled her eyes.

"Maybe I would have some respect if you told me two years ago about my Dad being so ill, I'm surprised you don't have a room here due to you being so mentally ill"

"This is why I didn't tell you about your father, you are so insensitive" she threw her hand up in the air.

"And this is why I haven't spoken you you in 7 years, you're a bitch!" I shouted. She didn't respond. "Maybe if you actually told me about Dad, 2 years ago when it happened he would actually know who I am? Why are you even with him anyway? Is it because he's loving? Or caring? Or is it because of the money you will get when he dies?" I got up closer to her face. I heard the door shut behind me and John walked out of the room. He stood behind me.

"Oh you want to talk about money Bradleigh? Is that why you've become a wag? Does he pay for all your expensive bags and perfumes?" She sniggered back. This really made me loose my cool. I pushed her up to the wall and got right up to her face.

"You have no right to comment on my relationship, at all. You know I make my own fucking money, and you know how much I make. Maybe when you show me respect, I'll show you some respect. What kind of mother even are you? Because I really don't think you're mine"

"Bradleigh" John interrupted. "Let's go" he grabbed my hand before I could do anything stupid.

"What do you want to do?" He asked me in the car.

"I just want to go home" I huffed. "To Manchester" I added.

"Okay, no problem" he smiled.

We swung past past the Sidemen house but John insisted that he went in to grab our bags. I turned on the car radio and just sat staring at the front door, waiting for him to come back out.

"Look I can drive if you want" I said as he got back into the car. "I am the one that wants to go home" I added. I think John knew that I was in no mood to argue with so he gave up his seat and I moved around.

Most of the car journey was spent in silence between John and I. Usually we sing along to most of the songs that come on the radio or tell each other stories about our past. I was embarrassed that John saw that side of me. Don't get me wrong, we have had plenty of shouting matches, but nothing like that. I was embarrassed that he now probably thinks my family is a shambles and embarrassed that I let myself get so low.

"You wanna talk about it?" John asked.

"I'm just sorry" I huffed.

"About what?"

"Everything at the moment, you don't need this kinda stress" I huffed.

"Don't be stupid, I love you and I will always support you. No matter what" he said. "And you know that" he added and placed his hand on my left hand that was on the gear stick.

"Yeah, I love you too"

Too Much - John StonesWhere stories live. Discover now