Fifa Tournament

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Johns POV

After a long plane journey back to Manchester we arrived at the airport just gone lunch time. Brad suggested that all the guys came to lunch at her place and then she could drive straight to London for A League Of Their Own recording. We all made our way in a cab back to her place.

"God I feel like I haven't been here in so long" she groaned and jumped to lie on her sofa. "Shall I order some pizza?" She then asked. We all agreed and joined her on the sofa. She switched on the tv to some boring day time tv and took out her laptop straight away to begin working.

"You haven't even been home five minutes and you've started working" I rolled my eyes and sat down next to her.

"Well I'm just too excited to edit this wing walking video" she said. "I cannot wait to see what pussies you guys are" she added.

"John only did it to impress you" Raheem said. "There is no way he would of done it otherwise" he laughed.

"What do you mean, never me" I lied. I was fucking shitting it when I got strapped up to the plane. Raheem rolled his eyes in a reply and then Kevin, Kyle, Delphy and for once Vincent joined us guys in the sofa.

"FIFA tournament?" Kyle suggested as Brad was busy working and not using her tv. We all agreed and got ourself ready for this very serious event. Before we started the different pizzas arrived and we began to eat before we started. The first up were Kevin and Vincent which resulted in Kevin absolutely smashing Vincent 6-1. Next was Kyle and Raheem which was a surprisingly close match but Raheem managed to score a last minute goal into the top corner meaning he won. Delphy against me was an easy match, or so I liked to think so, I just managed to beat him 3-2 which meant that I somehow progressed to the next round and so did Delphy on being the best loser which didn't fill him with confidence.

Vincent clearly beat Delphy 5-2 and then the competition between Kyle and I was alright but he messed up and managed to score an own goal which mean I won the game 1-0.

"Oi, why are you guys shouting?" Brad half shouted and removed her headphones from her ears.

"Somehow your boyfriend here has managed to get to the finals of our FIFA tournament" Raheem rolled his eyes.

"And why is this such a serious problem?" She asked even more confused and annoyed that we had distracted her from her work.

"Because He is shit a FIFA" Raheem kissed his teeth.

"Well I'm obviously not if I am in the final and you aren't" I argued back. The game finally loaded and Vincent and myself were fully concentrated on this game.

"Just fucking score!" Bradleigh shouted for the third time.

"If it's that easy you just do it!" I got annoyed at her stupid comments.

"Fine! Pass it here!" She tied up her long blonde hair into a bun and put her hand out so I could give her the controller. After a few minutes she kind of figured out what she was doing and somehow managed to score a goal which put her in the lead.

"Okay honestly how?" I asked.

"I'm not just a pretty face" she joked.

"Come on Vinny, you can't be serious" Kyle laughed.

"Naa I'm obviously just being nice" he shrugged.

"You absolute lair!" Brad then laughed. The score quickly became 1 all and there were only a few minutes left.

"Come on just tap it in!" I half shouted to Brad and the ball was near the goal however I didn't want to panic her.

"Oh my god I did it!" She cheered as full time was called on the game and the scored was 2-1.

"Vincent Kompany what the fuck" Raheem ran his hands over his face.

"I was just being a gentlemen init" he lied. Brad began to Snapchat her victory.

"Bradleigh Reynolds, she's top of the league!" She sang and filmed the score and then Vincent's face. "Yes I did just beat Manchester City captain at FIFA just to clarify" she then added.

After her mini celebration she realised the time and ran upstairs to pack for London.

"What are you gonna do when she's away mate?" Vincent asked

"I don't know, I'm just gonna have to hope she doesn't find someone better than me" I half joked but knew it was serious. A League Of Their Own always gets top sports stars to be guests on the show, and well I'm not a top sports star.

"Well we have a couple of matches in Wembley so I'm sure we will see her then" Raz said.

"Yeah a month will go quick" Kyle smiled.

"I hope so"

Bradleigh's POV

I pulled my suitcase down my stairs and struggled to place it into my Range Rover due to the weight of the luggage.

"Right, am I dropping you guys all home or just to one place?"

"Well I should probably go and see the children" Kyle half laughed and Vincent agreed.

"Well I guess I should go home, alone, with no one" Raheem began a sob story and then looked over to John.

"Mate I don't know what you're thinking but I'm going home to sleep" John laughed.

"Oh come on bro, don't be boring"

"Well what else can we actually do?" John laughed.

"I don't know, go bowling? Watch Netflix, play football" Raz suggested. John just rolled his eyes. After half an hour they all bundled into my car and then I dropped Vinny Home and the. Kyle.

"Do you mind giving us a minute?" John asked Raheem who was oblivious to the fact that John and I wanted to say goodbye privately.

"Oh shit yeah. In a bit Brad" he said to me and spudded me.

"Wow, I'll miss you too Raz" I shouted out of my car window in response to his sincere goodbye. He just laughed and let himself into Johns apartment block.

"Well erm, have fun in London, well not too much fun but that will be pretty hard with me not there anyway" John laughed and looked me dead in the eye. "I'll miss you" He added.

"I'll miss you too" I half smiled. Upset that I wouldn't be seeing him for a long time.

"You know, that Abu Dhabi trip was so perfect to me and I want you to know that I wouldn't of had it any other way" he took my that went on the gear stick into his hand. Butterflies always erupted into my stomach when our bodies touched.

"I will never forget that trip, for the rest of my life" I giggled.



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