A Guy In All Black

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Bradleigh's POV

Whilst waiting for our food at breakfast I decided to go out for a cigarette.

"Thanks for making my clothes smell" Kevin came out and sat down next to me.

"Sorry" I laughed. "I will wash them" I laughed again.

"It's fine" he laughed back. "so how was last night?"

"Yeah, it was nice I guess"

"I guess?" He raised an eyebrow. "Tell me the truth"

"Don't get me wrong, Winks is so lovely and he's my type and well let's not forget good in bed" I half laughed. "But afterwards when I saw John I just wanted to turn back time"

"Bradleigh, do you want to be with John or not?"

"Yes, of course, but" I began to say.

"You don't need to say anything else, you have said everything you need to" he smiled.

"I wish it was that easy Kev"

"Why can't it? He wants to be with you, and you want to me with him" he frowned. "I don't get why you can't see that"

"Look at him" I said and Kevin turned to look and John through the glass. He was his arm around Jess and they were taking silly photos on her phone. "He's happy with her, and I can't change that"

"He's not happy with her Bradleigh!" He began to get angry "I'm sorry but I know John, I've known him for over 2 years now. He's not himself" he said. I huffed and threw my cigarette butt.

"Maybe he is the one you should be having this talk with not me Kevin" I began to get annoyed at his attitude. I walked back into the cafe and sat down opposite Winks. Kevin soon followed and sat down near John. He said something to John and he immediately took his arm off Jess.

"Are you going back to Manchester tonight or tomorrow?" Harry asked me.

"Probably tomorrow" I said without thinking. "Well actually probably tonight, I don't have a place to stay" I said after.

"You can stay at mine no problem" he winked.

"Smooth Winks, we like that one" Tripps laughed.

"Well only if that's alright" I smiled.

"Of course" he smiled. "How about I take you out tonight?" He then asked.

"Is Harry Winks asking Bradleigh Reynolds on a date yeah?" Tripps egged it on. This caused a big scene at the table, everyone looking over at us.

"Yeah, I suppose I am" he said boldly. I looked over to John who just stared back, waiting for my reply.

"I'm sure one date won't hurt" I smiled.

After breakfast I jumped in a car and panicked. I came to London in a jumper and jeans and now I'm going on a date. I called Talia quickly to see if I could borrow some of her clothes and make up.

"So where are you and John going?" She asked me as she began curling my hair for me.

"Well actually, it's not John I'm going with"

"What!" She said shocked. I explained to her the whole situation and how I was now going on a date with a Tottenham football player.

"Whatever makes you happy at the end of the day" she smiled and handed me a simple black dress.

Harry came spot on time to pick me up. He took me to this lovely restaurant in Kensington which he insisted in paying for.

"Do you get papped often?" I asked him as I saw a flash come through the window of the restaurant.

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