Right Time

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John's POV

Today we were playing Brighton at Wembley and for the first time in a while I was in the starting 11. In the dressing room Pep sat down next to me whilst we were all getting changed.

"How has Bradleigh been? I haven't seen much of her lately" Pep asked. She has been filming lore behind the scene videos so she doesn't have to talk to any of the guys, or see any of them. She's been doing that thing where she works all the time to try and keep her mind off all her thoughts but it doesn't really work as you can see she's deep in her thoughts.

"Well I've seen her but it's like talking to a blank screen. She doesn't want to talk about it, but when I try to change the subject she doesn't want to talk about that either" I began to get frustrated.

"I know it's frustrating, but you have got to give her time" pep patted me on the back.

"But how long do I have to wait?" I then asked him. "You know, before I give up?" I added. Before Pep could answer Bradleigh walked into the changing room, from helping the kit team organise everyone's socks or whatever.

"Oi Oi, John! Your Mrs don't look too happy, maybe I can treat her right!" One of the Brighton players shouted through the door that was still closing from her entrance. The room went silent.

"You know not to listen to him" Pep huffed. I finished getting changed and began to stretch.

"Good luck babe" Bradleigh smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. "You kick their asses" she added.

"Thanks" I half smiled.

"What's up?" She frowned.

"Are you actually happy with me?"

"You're actually going to listen to what some man from Brighton is saying?" She half laughed. "Of course I am happy with you"

"Right, okay"

"You don't believe me do you?" She huffed.

"Well you don't seem in the best moods lately, you don't want to talk to me about anything"

"I'm not having this conversation with you John" she rolled her eyes.

"Why not? Because you know it's the truth!"

"Because it's complete bullshit!" She threw her hands up. "You know how I feel about you John but whatever if you don't believe me that's fine. I suppose I'll see you on the pitch" she angrily said and then walked out of the changing room. I kicked my bag over and sat down on the bench. I took and deep breath and ran my hands through my hair.

"Right lads come on!" Vincent shouted. "I know it's statistically on our side but they're not in this match with us for no reason. Let's come out strong and show then who we are" He then added. I stood up and brushed myself down before giving everyone a hug.

Bradleigh was sat in the box with a few of the other coaches and then the physio team in case one of us gets injured. She was filming on her camera, getting shots of all of the players and then the crowd. I heard the whistle and the crowd automatically began cheering and chanting.

Brighton has the ball and they were coming down the pitch quickly. They were in the box and it was just me against the player. I slid in to tackle and clear the ball. The whistle sounded again.

"Penalty!" The ref shouted. It was only 5 minutes in and I had made a mistake. There was no point trying to argue this so I walked off and stood behind the penalty box. The goal went straight through Edersons hands and into the goal.

"Fuck sake" i ran my hands through my already sweaty hair and jogged off. Brighton had fouled us many of times and a few yellow cards were given to their team before half time. We managed to equalise just before the whistle.

"John! Thanks for the goal mate! I might give Bradleigh a little thanking now actually, she's still out there isn't she?" One of the players shouted in the way back to the changing rooms for half time. I could feel my jaw clench.

"Come over here and say that yeah?" I shouted back.

"Naaa you come here if your bird means that much to you"

"Fine my me" I pushed my way through the many of people to come face to face with this guy.

"John come on" Kyle took my arm.

"Can't back your own beef now?" The player raised and eyebrow. "Go on hit me, I dare you"

"Scum" I look him up and down.

"Everyone in and shut up!" Pep shouted at us all as a crowd had now gathered around. We followed his instructions and walked into the changing rooms.

"Come on guys, you can play better than this, and you all know you can. You don't play for City for no reason, you play here because you are top class" he finished of his rambling speech that I kept zoning in and out of.

"Let's go" he clapped. We all got up and jogged back onto the pitch. Bradleigh had not moved from her seat and was still sat there, fiddling around with her camera.

We quickly started with another goal making it 2-1 to us and I knew know that they would ramp up the pressure. I slid in for another tackle and the ref blew us whistle. He immediately put up a yellow card which I did not agree with.

"Bollocks mate" I threw my hands up. Pep could see my frustrations and subbed me off immediately.

The game ended 2-1, with a victory to us. But not a good game at all for us. Let alone me.

"John they want you for an interview" Pep called our, just as I was about to get changed.

"Course they do" I mumbled under my breath.

Bradleighs POV

"John, you cant be fucking serious!" I walked into our hotel room with multiple newspapers.

"What?" He asked confused. He must of just woken up.

"How dare you blame the way that you played on me?"

"What?" He said again.

"All over the newspapers and the internet may I add are quotes and videos of you saying that yesterday you conceded the penalty because of me and you fouled because you were frustrated with everything. And then when they asked you about everything you literally told them everything. About the baby, about my family and about how I react to things"

"Well that was the reason"

"I don't care if that was the reason, you have just told the whole world about my private life!" I threw the newspapers at him.

"You literally our videos on the internet or your day to day life! How can you be angry about me sharing your life" he stood up.

"Because that was personal to me! Do you think I want people knowing about my fucked up family? Or how I smoked and drank our baby to deaths surprisingly not' I huffed and sat down on the bed.

"This isn't fair on you" I said. "Look how it's affecting you" I added and looked to him. His eyes dark. He didn't reply to what I said.

"Maybe now is not the right time"

"Your right, lets go grab a coffee or some food and then speak later" he said and began to get changed.

"No" I said.

"Maybe now is not the right time for us"

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