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Bradleigh's POV

I could see the meeting room at the end of the long corridor and a wave of anxiety flew through my body. I took a deep breath and followed Pep into the room. Immediately I could see all eyes were on me and not Pep which made the situation a million times more embarrassing. What made everything worse is that although I did a lot of research on the guys getting to know their names and stuff it was like my brain just forgot about every piece of information that I learnt about them.

"So bradleigh please introduce yourself" Pep smiled and place his hand out signalling for me to take a step forward.

"Well Pep said he's been talking about me all week so you're probably sick of it" I half laughed and brushed a piece of hair out of my face. "Anyway I'm hoping to make sure that you guys have a good relationship with each other and the fans so I'm gonna try and break up your day to day training with different things which I can film and what not" I then explained some of the video ideas.

"So you guys have any questions for Bradleigh?" Pep then asked everyone.

"Can I call you Brad? Or is that too manly?" Sergio asked.

"No Brads fine" I smiled.

"So like are you proper famous?" Phil then asked.

"No way, I am not really famous at all" I smiled awkwardly this time. It's hard to explain how I have over 25 million subscribers but I'm not really famous.

"Where is your accent from?" Oleksandr Zinchenko struggled to ask but got there in the end.

"I'm originally from Dagenham in east London but well now I'm here, obviously" I half blundered on my words.

"My mate John here wants to know if if you're single" Raheem Sterling said seriously but obviously taking the piss. He was sat at the back row with John, Kyle and Kevin, like at school where the naughty kids would sit right at the back of the classroom. The rest of the squad laughed at this question, even Pep let out a little giggle and John responded in giving Raheem a punch to the arm and going a shade of pink.

"Well you can tell your 'friend' that yes I am single" I smiled and said the word friend in inverted commas, knowing that Raheem was just asking for himself. After a few more questions Pep announced that we should all go to the canteen and get some lunch. I had no clue where I was going so I stuck to the back of the line on my phone.

"So Brad" I got interrupted by Kevin coming over to me. I locked my phone and placed it in my packed and smiled to Kevin. "What do you actually know about football?" He asked.

"Well I can't lie not much" i laughed "but luckily that's not my job"

"Very true" Kevin responded. "Well I just wanted to let you know that I'm always here if you need someone to sit with or whatever"

"Aw thank you Kev, that means a lot" I smiled again and then we just had some small talk between us before we arrived at the canteen.

"So like is there certain places where certain people sit?" I asked Kevin as we made it to the canteen.

"No not really, Pep tries to encourage us to sit with different people each day"

"Tries?" I laughed.

"Yeah we usually sit with the same people I can't lie" Kevin then laughed.

I decided to go for the spaghetti carbonara for lunch as you can't really go wrong with that. I turned around with a tray in my hand and it felt like being the new kid at school. I had no clue where to sit. 

"Bradleigh!" I heard someone shout. It was Raheem. "Come and sit with us" he added. He was sat with John, Kyle and Kevin.

John's POV

"Bradleigh is actually really nice" Kevin spoke up at lunch.

"You spoke to her for like 5 minutes" I laughed. "Don't think you can really know her that well"

"What do you have against her mate?" Kyle asked.

"I don't have anything against her, I just want the best for City and I don't get how her being here is gonna help" I explained myself.

"Why don't we ask her to sit here and we can get to know her then?" Raheem said. Before I could interrupt he already called her over to sit with us.

"I thought I would save you from having to sit with the coaches" Raheem laughed.

"They don't seem too bad" she smiled.

"Trust me, they're bad" Kyle laughed.

"So, what days are you gonna be here?" I decided to pipe up and ask.

"Wow John, that is not the way to pull" Raheem joked.

"For fuck sake, I'm sorry about these idiots here" I apologised.

"It's fine" she giggled. "I'm gonna be here Mondays and then match days and maybe Fridays"

"So were going to be seeing a lot more of you" Raheem smirked.

"Unfortunately, yes" she smiled. She has a pretty smile.

"So how come a pretty girl like you don't have a boyfriend?" Raheem interrupted my thought processes.

"I've just been so busy really, I've been doing YouTube full time since I was 16 and then I do other projects on top of that so I just suppose timings have never worked out"

"So you decided to take on another job?" I laughed.

"Yeah?" She said as if that was a stupid comment.

"Well how is this going to help you in any way?"

"I never said I was looking for a boyfriend?" She stood up for herself.

"But you know your 23 now so?"

"So what? you're 24 and single"

"She's got you there mate" Kyle laughed.

"Well I have no problem in getting girls"

"And you think I have problems in getting guys?" She laughed. "Maybe because I have a personality I can keep my partners for longer" she then smiled as if she said something nice.

"I guess I'll see you guys around" she stood up and walked off.

"Are you ah actual fucking idiot" Kevin spoke up as she walked off.

"What do you mean?"

"Why do you have to be an ass to all new people? Or is it because she is pretty?" Kevin added.

"She was the one who started it" I threw my hands up. "I told you guys, she is no good for us"

"Whatever mate, I bet she will prove to wrong"

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