Only You

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Bradleighs POV

I woke up in the morning on Winks' sofa and got ready for the meeting. I couldn't concentrate at all though. I did my make up and decided to try and call John again.

You have reached the voicemail of 07276512349, please leave your message after the tone.

"Hey John, look I know I was stupid last night and I fucked up. But I promise nothing happened with Winks and I. We are a chineese and I crashed on his sofa. I've got this stupid meeting now and I don't even know if I can concentrate on it properly, actually you know what I need to see you. Straight after the meeting I'm coming up to see you. I want to sort this all out. I love you" I spoke down the phone and then hung up.

I threw on Johns Nike sweater and a simple pair of leggings along with my all white Air Forces. I walked into Winks' kitchen where he was sat in a pair of shorts eating a bowl of cereal.

"Here, I left a selection out for you" he smiled and then got the milk out from the fridge. "Which one do you want?" He asked.

"Cornflakes are fine for me" I half smiled.

"Come on go all out, have some Frosties" he laughed. "Say when" he smiled and when he poured enough I said stop and he handed me the bowl.

"Thanks for everything Winks" I gave him a hug as it was time for me to leave.

"Hey Brad, you know you're a special girl and you deserve the world. I hope John lets you know that" he smiled as I walked to the car. He placed my bags into my boot and took my hand in his.

"My heart belongs to John, I'm sorry" I let my hand out of his grip. "You're a special guy too Winks and you deserve a girl who will treat you like you're their world, that's just not me" I got into my car and rolled the window down. "I'll see you soon" I smiled faintly. He waved goodbye and I drove of to the meeting.

The meeting went surprisingly alright for someone who wasn't particularly concentrated on the subject of the meeting, I just wanted to get the hell out of there and see John. Once it was finished I rushed to my car and yet again drove up to Manchester.

Johns POV

I woke up in the morning from the guys night out extremely hungover in bed. I sat up and felt someone next to me. It wasn't Kyle, or even Raheem but it was a girl. It was Jess. Fuck. I sat up gently so she wouldn't wake up and checked my phone. I had a voicemail from Bradleigh which I knew would be important as she never bothers to leave a message, ever.

"Hey John, look I know I was stupid last night and I fucked up. But I promise nothing happened with Winks and I. We are a chineese and I crashed on his sofa. I've got this stupid meeting now and I don't even know if I can concentrate on it properly, actually you know what I need to see you. Straight after the meeting I'm coming up to see you. I want to sort this all out. I love you" I listened to the voicemail and then looked at what time she sent it. She sent it was earlier in the morning. I looked at the time and it was already gone past 2 in the afternoon so I knew she would be on her way.

"Hey, Jess are you up?" I asked her.

"I am now baby" she smiled and turned around to face me.

"No look, I need you to go. Bradleigh is on her way back and she wants to sort things out between us. Look promise me you won't tell anyone. I mean anyone" I got out of bed and gathered her things up and handed them too her.

"Oh wow that's nice then" she smiled. "I mean I always thought that you and Brad were meant to be" she added.

"Yeah yeah thank you and everything" I began to panic, thinking about how close Brad may be to the house. I was just about to lead her down the stairs when I heard Kyle answer the door.

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