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Bradleigh's POV

"Have you just been in here since training?" I came back from a successful shopping trip to find Kevin sitting in the hotel room.

"Yeah, I'm not really in the mood to do anything" he huffed. He definitely wasn't in his usual happy mood.

"Why? What's up?" I frowned and then sat opposite him on my bed.

"It's nothing really" he insisted.

"Kevin, look, you may not feel the same way but honestly you are one of my best friends at the moment, when I went home that night with John or when I went on that date with him the first person I couldn't wait to tell was you, and you know that night in the club when we both saw him kiss that girl, I was so relieved that I was with you because I know that whatever I am thinking I know that you won't think that I am stupid or over reacting. I would love for you to know that I am here for you is well, even for the stupid things" I smiled.

"Just things are a bit shitty at the moment, I have this on going injury, my wife and I well we have been arguing quite a lot, I don't know we just haven't been coping like the way we used to. I haven't been playing as well as last season, at all and I feel like Pep is becoming frustrated at me because I am not playing so well" he vented out all of his thoughts.

"You wanna go grab a beer?" I smiled. "If there is one thing I know is that beer always helps" I added.

It was still extremely hot, even in the evenings so I changed into a red co-ord. the long skirt had a high slit all the way up the side and then I had a matching red crop top with long sleeves.

"I was so close to thinking my hair was going to survive this trip" I half laughed and looked at my sweaty hair. I tied my blonde hair up on the top of my head and then gave up with trying to get it to look nice. I added some red lipstick and a pair of high wedges.

"See I didn't even take that long for once" I smiled and turned to Kevin who was in a white polo top and a pair of grey shorts along with some white trainers

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"See I didn't even take that long for once" I smiled and turned to Kevin who was in a white polo top and a pair of grey shorts along with some white trainers.

"Look, you've had a long day, I understand if you just wanna go to bed" he said as he saw me yawn.

"Nope, Kevin Debryne is upset so I made a pledge to make you happy all the time as your best friend"

To John x:

Kevin and I are just going out for a few drinks, he isn't feeling himself at the moment :( you & Kyle are welcome to join x

I sent John that text and placed my phone into a small black bag that I had.

"Right what do you actually want to drink? Should I get a bottle of wine?" I asked Kevin.

"Here take my card and get a bottle of something"

"No, I'll get this don't worry" I smiled. Kevin got us a table outside and I followed him through with a bottle of white wine and two glasses.

"At least let me pay half" he tried handing me some money.

"No, think of this as a thank you present for helping John and I basically get together"

"Aw yeah I'm actually really happy for you two" he smiled as I poured us a glass each. "To friendships" he smiled as we touched glasses.

"When did you start smoking?" He asked as I lit one.

"Oh god, I first tried it when I was 14. One day my friend stole a whole deck of her mum and we bunked the day of school to smoke them" I laughed. "When I got home my parents went so mad so I lit one right in front of them smoked it and put it on in their bed" I added.

"But now you literally don't know anything about your parents?"

"Naa, I mean I've looked them up on Facebook or whatever out of curiosity but that's about it. They are always with the rest of the family anyway so" I shrugged thinking about how many family photos I have seen on their page. They seemed like the perfect family which all got along perfectly fine, which is true, without me in the picture.

"Do you not find that sad?" He burrowed his eyebrows.

"Not really" I half laughed. "Just because were blood doesn't mean I have to love them" I took a sip of my wine. "Anyway, you're the one that's meant to be talking about your problems" I added, not really wanting to talk about myself.

"No, I am here to forget about my problems" he laughed. We toasted to that again. After a few more deep chats we were interrupted by John, Kyle and Raheem.

"Even when you say that you are going a casual drink you still look amazing" John smiled and gave me a kiss. I thanked him and greeted the other guys.

"You know Kev, I know we're not the most serious of guys but we love you bro so if you ever feel low or down I just want you to know that you can always give us a shout" Kyle smiled. "I'm not gonna let Raz, or John say anything because they will fuck it up" he laughed. "But I know they feel the same is well"

"Yeah, well you guys must know what it's like, it's hard to maintain a relationship with a job like ours" Kevin said and all the guys agreed. This didn't really help me though, have I just entered a relationship that didn't really have a chance of surviving? Am I just going to end up really liking him and it just isn't going to work?

"Brad? Hello?" John interrupted my thoughts.

"Yeah sorry" I smiled and tried to forget about these questions flying through my head.

"We're going to get another bottle yeah?"

"Oh right yeah sure, let me go and get it" I quickly said. I got up and walked over to the bar.

"Same again madam?" The bartender asked me.

"Please" I smiled and waited while he made an ice bucket to put the wine in.

"Hey, what was that all about?" John followed me over and rubbed my arm up and down?

"What?" I tried to act as if I did not know what he was speaking about.

"You just completely zoned out of the conversation and then acted all funny"

"I'm just tired" I lied again.

"Well if you're tired we could always head up to my room, I'm sure Kyle and Raheem will be out for a couple more hours" he winked. 

"Let me tell you a secret" I said to John and stood on my tip toes to reach his ear.

"Drunk sex is so much better"

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