Felix x crystal angel reader

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(requested by; Fluffycatgueen.

Thank you for the request!)

Felix pov

I was sitting on a roof of a temple. I had just been inside and almost lost my life. It was nerve racking, for sure. I'm just lucky I got out in time. Now I was resting and watching the sun slowly set. I let out a small sigh and smile lightly. "Ok, Felix. Time to rest up. You've got more stuff to do tomorrow" I say, standing up and jumping down to the ground. A small sting shot up my body as soon as I made contact with the grassy land, but I ignored it. I made a small fire and put up a tent, preparing for the cold night ahead of me. I sat on the ground, starring into the roaring flames. The warmth was consuming and felt nice against my scruffy fur. I close my eyes and embrace the temperature.

Soon, I stood and put the fire out. It was dark but I could still see, somehow. As I was about to enter my tent, there was a bright glow behind some trees. I look up at the sky, seeing darkness. I look over at the pile of sticks that used to hold flames, nothing. What could this be? Being my curious self, I went to investigate. I slowly crept as close as I could, being careful to not make any sounds. I squinted my eyes as I got closer, the light was almost blinding. This could be a massive discovery....or a huge disappointment. My thoughts rushed from the super natural to superstitions. This could be anything. An alien, some teens, a monster, some adventurers. Anything! Nonetheless, I wanted to know what it was. Then, I saw something more. A female with flowing (h/c) hair, a pure white outfit, a glowing halo and something that astonishes me.....wings. Crystal wings. I was in awe, so I couldn't help but mutter "wow...". The female whipped her head towards me, revealing her beautiful, gleaming (e/c) eyes. She must've heard me....shoot. She sort of gave me a look of shock, before running in the opposite direction. Without knowing what to do, I call out "wait!" and ran after her. She was fast, but I was able to stay close behind her. I was wondering why she wasn't flying. Maybe she can't use her wings? Maybe she doesn't know how to use them? Maybe they don't work? I was so lost in thought that I didn't realize she had turned and that resulted in me slamming face first into a tree. The imapct made me fall onto the floor with a small 'thud'. "Ow" I mutter, rubbing the end of my nose in an attempt to thaw away the small pain, to no avail. I then had to squint my eyes as a bright beam came into my view. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?!" An overly worried voice asks. Once I got used to the bright light, I could see that the female was kneeled down in front of me with a worried expression. I held my head in my hand and said, "yeah, I'm fine. I've done worst". She lets out a small sigh of relief, "I'm sorry, you just startled me. I'm not used to people seeing me". "Nah, it's my fault" I pause, standing up and offering to help her up "names Felix". She took my offer, saying "(y/n)". Once she was up and we had released each other, I say "so are you a crystal angel?". "How did you know?" She asks, a look of genuine confusion on her face. I shrug, "I'm an adventurer. I've been into many abandoned or historycal places. I've seen a lot. Like, I've seen some sort of carvings or 'messages' of your kind". She looked impressed to say the least, like I had just solved one of the world's most mythical mysteries. "Sorry to ask, but; why weren't you using your wings? I get that crystal angels' wings are fragile and all, but they can still use them. So why didn't you?" I ask, my tail swaying out of curiosity. She let's out a small sigh, her wings stretching to their full length. Then she muttered "take a look". And so I did. I inspected every inch of her wings, soon finding a crack. It wasn't small, either. The crack traveled from the top of her wings, straight to the center. Hesitantly, I reach out and lightly line it with my index and middle fingers. She hissed quietly at my touch, so I quickly retract and apologized. She pulls her wings back to her, letting them fold at her back. It then got silent. The only sounds that could be heard were the wind whistling through the trees, owls calling out and a variety of animals scurrying around. The silence was suddenly broke when she asks "sooooo. You said you're an adventurer..... What are you exploring for now?". "Oh! Well, it's like an emerald. It's very rare and beautiful, but not as much as you-" I pause, realising what I had said. "Awww. You think I'm beautiful~" (y/n) giggles. My face goes red from embarrassment and I began to stutter, "n..no, I..I mean, o..of course. B..but I..I don't uh...uh..I..I" I cover my face with my hands and groan in annoyence. (Y/n) giggles again, "it's ok, I understand, Felix". I slowly uncover my face, peering at her. "So many people call me beautiful" she smirks. "You little--" I cut myself off with my own laughter. She joins in. Now, the quiet, dark forest was filled with our echoing laughter.

(Y/n) pov

This Felix guy and I have been getting along pretty great. Kind of makes me regret hiding from people all these years. But it's how I was raised. "Never go out into the open! Someone might see and hurt you!". Oh how everyone was wrong. Though, Felix is the first person I've ever spoken to. I can't just base everyone else with just one person. (life lesson). The sun was rising and day was nearing. Felix and I had been speaking all night. I felt bad about it, though. Sure he was the one keeping up the conversation, but he needs rest. He's on an adventure for crying out loud. I think he'd need to preserve his energy for what's to come. Right now, Felix was telling me about the infamous 'ink machine'. I've heard about it but never thought it was real. But he apparently fixed it, with some friends, and cured the inkness. This guy is just amazing! He's done so much in his life! It just amazes me how one guy can accomplish so much. He goes on adventures while managing to write books to tell the world. I'll have to check them out one day. Felix had just finished his stories, seemingly proud of telling someone. "Wow...just wow. You've done so much in your life! That must be amazing!" I say, a smile on my face. "Oh, well. I'm sure you've done as much as I have" he says, his tail swaying. "Actually, I've never had the chance. I've always had to hide myself because of my rareness. My family has always been worried about people experimenting on or capturing our kind. It's pretty disappointing" I say, my wings stretching to their full capacity to get some feeling back in them. His ears drop slightly, his eyes dimming "o..oh....". It went silent again as we just sat their. Thoughts consuming our minds. Felix's ears then perked up as he grew a smile and his tail wagged rapidly, "why don't you help me?". "W..wait. Really?!" I ask, taken aback. He nods, "of course! It'll be fun to have a friend join me!". I smile, happiness filling my heart. Without thinking, I tackle him in a hug and exclaim "I'd love to join you!!". He hugged back, his embrace heart warming. I was so happy I finally fount someone. Someone who can bring excitement into my life. I just wonder what will happen next...

(Whooo! Ok, this one was fun to write. Like most of my chapters, but I just enjoy making Felix into this hyper guy. This sort of story is a change in pace from my depressing and emo stories.... so yeah! Hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! Bye!!)

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