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vitani sat sprawled out in a beach chair beside kierra who lay on a beach towel in a thin bathing suit. they had arrived with the others on the spa island, the two spending time away from the group to relax.

"this is great." kierra beamed as vitani popped a grape in her mouth.

"it feels good to relax for once. and that massage earlier." she shifted her legs. "heaven."

kierra hummed, sucking a cherry from the stem. vitani looked up as luffy stumbled over her legs, turning to face him.

"watch where you're going!" she huffed as he laughed sheepishly.

"my bad!" he ran up to the table where a small girl sat devouring food.

"what are you up to, luffy?" kierra yelled as her and vitani rose and approached the table.

"we made some friends." he called back. vitani looked down at the sea-raccoon as she passed, narrowing her eyes.

"turn into the sexiest thing you can imagine!"
sanji yelled as she scoffed.

"what a weirdo." she adjusted the strap on her bra. the raccoon smiled before transforming into a sexy raccoon, kierra snorting.

"i really walked into that one didn't i..." he muttered. "no like that girl over there! turn into nami for me!"

the sea monkey transformed into a toy-sized version of nami, sanji grabbing it. vitani joined the table and looked over at nami who was sighing.

"where's zoro?" vitani hummed, taking a piece of meat.

"meditating i believe." robin answered. vitani looked up as the two girls stood.

"thank you for the food." the youngest one smiled.

"no problem. you're leaving?" robin asked, her eyes hidden behind sunglasses.

"yes. thank you for everything." her older sister bowed. there was a faint laugh as kierra rose and turned, locking gazes with Foxy Foxy.

"i've been looking everywhere for you two." He cackled.

"don't you ever give up?!" the younger child cried.

"i can't believe i had to chase you two all the way out here. you really gave me the run around. now, if you come along quietly...hold on a second.. there seem to be some other familiar faces here!" he stepped forward. "so this is where you've been my dear old rival? straw hat luffy! it's been a looong time!"

"do i know you?" luffy murmured.

"geez, luffy he's the one who almost took us in the davy back fight." vitani huffed.

"stupid split head guy!" luffy announced.

"that's silver fox foxy!" he roared. vitani sat back down at the table as he stepped into a machine full of mirrors and fired out a slow slow beam. kierra gritted her teeth as the beam pierced through her and the others, vitani disappearing and reappearing back in the seat once the beams had ceased to avoid the hit.

he laughed and stepped out, taking a small device from the oldest girl before removing the floor from below them. vitani sat still, eyes closed as franky and brook approached.

"what are you guys doing?"

"franky, brook kick those guys asses!" luffy yelled as the beam wore off and they plummeted. vitani shot forward, leaping off of usopp, who was falling, before tackling foxy. franky fired a bullet that shook the island as luffy stretched, robin's arms creating a net. luffy pulled the two younger girls up, vitani leaping back to join brook and franky. they sprinted for the mirror machine, vitani leaping up to punch and shatter it.

"gum-gum bazooka!" luffy punched the foxy pirates and watched as they fell over the edge, landing in the water.

"luffy it seems like we've caused a commotion." vitani hummed. she sat down at the edge of the pool, finishing up her grapes.

"geez, you could have helped!" kierra snatched the grapes from vitani. "don't sit around and eat grapes like you actually did something."

"i handled him, didn't i?"

"no, franky handled them."

"i shattered that mirror while you sat around in an arm-net, dangling over the ocean. not my fault you got caught."

"what the hell was i supposed to do?!" kierra snapped.

"i don't know, YOU got caught. i didn't. it's your problem not mine."

"go to hell, vitani. you're so selfish. all you do is think about yourself."

vitani didn't respond, simply closing her eyes. kierra gritted her teeth, and attempted to step on vitani's tail. she swiped her leg to knock kierra down, tackling her.

"what the hell are they up to?" zoro muttered as he approached the rest of the straw hats.

"hey, now isn't the time to-"

"back up!" they both roared at Sanji. vitani paused as the tile below the oldest girl slipped back and she fell through. franky picked up her youngest sister so she wouldn't fall as well, a transponder snail snickering from the trees.

"i have the girl. now if you want her safely returned, you'll do as i say."

"is that daron?" nami whispered.

"who the heck is daron?" vitani muttered.

"the owner and proprietor of this place." robin answered.

"what the hell is he doing?!" kierra snapped.

"all of you are going to search for that secret in the notebook for me. if you find it, i'll give back the girl."

"he wants us to make the gem?" usopp snapped.

"what gem?" vitani asked, sanji gritting his teeth.

"maybe if you two hadn't been fighting and actually listening, you'd know!"

"get the fuck off of me." kierra strained irritably. vitani gritted her teeth and rose, approaching luffy.

"where the hell are we supposed to look? you already searched everywhere, didn't you?." vitani scowled.

lina, the little girl, sobbed softly, looking up at luffy. "luffy...help me."

"okay." he smiled simply.


"sure. besides i really wanna see that gem."

"even though it could be a fake?" Vitani muttered.

"what's the plan?" usopp hummed, asking a better question.

"um...hey i know, let's destroy this ship."

vitani glanced at kierra, rolling her eyes.

"what's up with you two?" nami snapped.

"she wants to fight me." kierra huffed.

"you started it!" vitani roared. vitani shot forward as kierra lifted her leg to kick her, vitani throwing up a block. the force shot out and cracked the ground around them,
the straw hats seperating to destroy the island.

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