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Vitani sat on the deck alone, her eyes closed as the breeze of the sea brushed salty water onto her skin. She inhaled slowly, exhaling. Her appearance had become a little cleaner, wearing a purple top tied in the back with black leggings. She had a brown crotch guard hanging in-between her legs, her bow resting against her shoulder beside her.During her first few days on the ship, she spoke very little and avoided unnecessary interaction with the rest of the crew. Although Usopp showed the most interest in Vitani, studying her actions and moves closely. Zoro, on the other hand, watched her for signs of betrayal.

She talked only with Luffy, mainly scolding and castigating him for his immature manners.

Vitani looked up as Nami sat beside her on the deck, furrowing her eyebrows.

"So...you've got those lightning powers, huh?" Nami smiled, attempting to start a conversation.

"hm." She flicked her finger up , a small bolt shooting out to zap the air.

"So is it a devil fruit power?" Nami insinuated, Vitani shaking her head.

"No." She replied, glancing at Nami awkwardly during the silence which followed. "...Us Opavians have a gift we call an Oblaid. Unlike devil fruits, we are born with them. Not all Opavian have them, although the ones who do have face paints that glow when they use them. The Opavian without oblaids' paints do not glow. And they only have abilities of a normal opavian."

"I'm glad to have you on the ship." Nami admitted. She seemed to catch Vitani off guard as she grunted,Nami looking at Vitani's distant gaze. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." she murmured the reply without sparing a glance.

"You can talk to me if-"

"Can I really?" Vitani's sudden snap made Nami jump nervously. Vitani's eyes narrowed, her ears pinning as if she felt disrespected by Nami's sense of fear. "You humans ruin and destroy everything. We aren't friends." shaking her head he rose. "Never will be." She had started to walk away when the ship suddenly jolted to a hault causing her to rock into the rail.

She turned sharply to find that Luffy had fired their cannon at The Baratie, an ocean-floating restaurant. She scrunched up her face in confusion before her ear's pinned, Luffy laughing humorously as he landed on the deck.

"Luffy!" She roared angrily, glaring up at him as he laughed. "What did you do?!"

As if on que, the chef, an old man, stormed out angrily and glared up at Luffy who was laughing hysterically. Vitani slipped behind a post on the ship to hide her presence, glancing at Usopp and Nami who stood in the open.

"Oy!" He yelled, Vitani raising an eyebrow. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Sorry!" Luffy teased, waving excitedly. "I was testing out the canons on my ship and your restaurant happened to be in the way."

"In the way?!" He snapped. "You're gonna pay for this!"

"How?" Luffy whined, turning to Nami who scoffed and turned her nose up.

"Don't look at me." She grumbled.

"We have no money!" Luffy called. The old man glared up at him before squinting.

"What?!" He yelled.

"I said-"

"I can't hear you!" He yelled, Luffy gritting his teeth.

"Don't go down there." Vitani muttered as Luffy leapt over the railing and onto the deck of the ship.

"I sai-" The owner caught Luffy by his ear, Luffy screaming out as he began to drag him into the restaraunt.

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