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Vitani and Kierra crawled atop the train along with the others as they fired their cannons. Kierra and Vitani sat with their eyes closed, paint glowing faintly.

They opened their eyes as Zoro and Luffy joined them atop the train. Vitani stood.

"What's 108 times 2?" Luffy asked.

"216." Zoro answered calmly.

"216. That's long and hard to say."

"Then pick whatever." Luffy hummed.

"Okay...then three hundred!" He yelled. "Vitani! Kierra!"

"Got it!" Vitani's fist was covered in a large rock gauntlet Kierra had made.

"Three hundred pound..." Zoro grasped his sword as Vitani ran forward, leaping up.

"Cannon!" They yelled. Vitani's fist slammed into the water as Zoro and Luffy's penetrated the incoming wave.

Vitani flew over the end of the train, gasping before reaching out to hold on desperately. The cannon shot had created a tunnel through the wave, the train shooting through. Kierra gasped along with the others as they broke through, a chill falling through her skin.

"Luffy!" She screamed in excitement. "Zoro! Vitani!- VITANI!" She ran to the edge of the train. As they cheered and looked around.

"Vitani!" Kierra screamed.

Zoro suddenly ran forward to the edge of the train as Vitani clung onto the nose. She shook in fear, staring down at the raging waters.

"Vitani!" Zoro yelled. She looked up slowly, tears pooling from her eyes. "Climb up!"

"Zoro I can't!" She choked, shaking her head. "I-I-I-" she slammed her eyes closed and leaned onto the nose of the train. Zoro extended his sword sheathe, Vitani looking at it.


"Grab on and I'll pull you up." He ordered.

"I told you I can't!" She snapped back as her foot slipped. She screamed, clinging on as violent sobs erupted from within her. Zoro gritted his teeth as Vitani closed her eyes.

"V" he spoke, looking down at her as she stared up at him. "I got you."

She swallowed at the words before leaping ahold of the sword. He pulled her up into his arms before cradling her waist. She burried her head into his chest, staring down at the raging waters.

Zoro followed Vitani and Kierra into the window as Luffy spoke to Sanji (over the phone) who had recently been informed by Nami how Robin was sacrificing herself for the Straw Hats safety.

"Well, now you know it." Luffy smiled. "Give 'em hell."

Nami and Chopper gasped as Zoro warned him not to be reckless.

"Tell him to wait till we catch up! Hey, Cook! Can you hear me?! There are crazy guys on that train, so...-"

"That's okay." Luffy interrupted. "Zoro. What would you do if it were you?" Zoro leaned back. "After hearing that Robin lied and was taken into custody in order to save us, could you just stay put?"

Zoro looked away.

"It's no use trying to stop him."

"You know me well." Sanji cooed from the other side of the phone.

"Hey Mosshead! Are you worried about me?!"

"Why would I be you idiot?!" Zoro snapped.

"But sorry...after hearing what Robin was thinking, even if the Captain orders it I'm not gonna stop." Sanji's line broke and Vitani hummed, looking to Kierra.

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