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"Vitani!" Nami's cry woke Vitani from the sleep, her eyes flying open. Vitani looked around Zoro's room, slowly standing. She changed into a cropped black shirt with a pair of black leggings and her opavian crotch-guard, disposing of her blood-stained shirt. She slowly stepped from the ship and looked around, gritting her teeth at the thick forest around her. She could hear faint commotion in the distance, her eyes closing as she sniffed the air.

Vitani bolted forward at a shriek, bounding through the trees of the strange jungle. She haulted before taking a sharp turn and leaping up in a tree.

She leapt out the tree and landed in the clearing where the straw hats stood, her fist digging into her palm as she drew her arm to the right. It slammed into a man standing before Luffy , a stranger named Mr.3's chest, watching him fly off to the side.

"Vitani!" Nami whispered as she stood up straight. Vitani looked at the Straw Hats to see them frozen, covered in candle wax that was creeping up their necks slowly.

"What's going on here?" She yawned, looking around. Her eyes landed on the giant duck between Zoro and a blue-haired woman, Vitani furrowing her eyebrows. "What is that?!"

She dropped her shoulder to dodge a booger-explosive, the snot exploding a foot infront of her. She shot through the dust, grabbing the man's hand and pushing against it.

"Who are you?" She grinned as he grunted.

"None of your business."

"He's Mr.5!" the blue-hair woman yelled. "He's got a devil fruit that turns his boogers into explosives!"

"You did this to my friends?!" She scoffed, her nails digging into his fingers.

"Vitani!" He whispered. Their bodies both set off an explosion, Vitani's electrocuting him as his blast threw her back. She landed in a crouched position, looking up at him.

"They have devil fruits!" Nami yelled, Vitani panting as her ear twitched. "The blonde woman is Miss Valentine, and she-"

Miss Valentine plummeted to the ground, Vitani rolling out the way to dodge her before smacking her with the bow. She stood, looking up as Mr.3 stood atop the candled platform.

"He's the one controlling this wax thing?" she whispered softly as Luffy shot above them, landing a few yards away before sprinting towards them. Two giants chased after him, holding large clubs and swinging them eagerly.

"Giants, a huge duck, and this weird dude with a three on his head." She turned to Mr.3 who flinched at her gaze. "Where are we?"

Vitani spotted the blood seeping from Zoro's leg and gritted her teeth. "Zoro what happened?"

"Stay back!" He snapped, stopping her in her tracks. "You'll get caught too. Just, focus on helping Luffy!"

"So who's tail am I kicking?" She turned, cracking her knuckles.

"We really need to talk to her about language." Nami muttered.

"All of them." Usopp cried as Vitani grinned.

"Luffy!" She called. "Want to split it?!"

"I want 3 and 5 to myself!" He yelled as Vitani scratched her neck.

"You leave me the kid and this lemon-skirt bitch?"

"Nevermind then." Nami muttered.

"It's Miss Valentine!" She snapped, Vitani sighing.

"Whatever." As Luffy entered battle with 3, Vitani turned and dodged another explosive. She drew her bow, placing an arrow in the quiver.

Rapidly, she fired at the two before smirking. Glancing at Mr.3 She turned and ran towards him.

Luffy, Who had punched Mr.3, smirked as Vitani slammed her fist into his opposite cheek. He flew back, Vitani looking up at the Straw Hats. She stepped forward, a sudden wave of dullness washing over her. The crew yelled at her and Luffy to save them, but she could only stand still.

"Stay in the circle!" the blue-haired woman yelled, Vitani and Luffy disobediently stepping out of it out of an uncontrollable impulse.

"What is going on?!" Vitani snapped, turning to the girl.

"That's Miss Tuesday!" The woman explained. "Stay out of that circle she's got on the ground or you'll get caught in one her emotions!"

"Brat!" Vitani turned to the child, aiming an arrow at her. Vitani gasped, staring forward at the long-haired, light skinned Opavian before her. She had clay-red paint, wearing a long brown skirt and a white haltered crop top.

"K-Kierra." She whispered. Kierra smiled, Vitani dropping the bow. She walked forward, Kierra swiping blue paint symbols on her before kicking her back bluntly.

Vitani suddenly bit her lip, bursting into tears. She shook violently on the ground, sobbing loudly. She wailed, balling her eyes out as Zoro and Nami screamed her name. Vitani only was able to stop crying when the mark was burned off her back and she was left in a scorched outfit. She collapsed, Zoro pulling her away from the flames. He placed his belly warmer over her chest and sat down as the flames died.

Once they had returned to the ship, Vitani sat beside Nami, glaring at the blue haired women beside Zoro.

"Who's she?" She muttered, Nami laughing nervously.

"Princess, meet Princess Vivi from Alabasta!" She laughed as Vivi bowed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Vitani-san!" She squeaked as Vitani raised an eyebrow.

"As to you." She flicked her tail. "Why is the Princess if Alabasta here?"

"Well she's trying to get back home." Sanji expained.

"So we're going to Alabasta?" Vitani muttered unenthusiasticly, Usopp swallowing nervously before nodding. Vitani sighed and sat down beside Zoro on the rail, looking down at him as he lifted weights slowly. she looked up as nami leaned against the rail uneasily, vitani narrowing her eyes.

"Nami?" she called, Nami collapsing.

"Oy!" Zoro yelled, Sanji standing as well.

"Nami!" Vivi fretted as Vitani knelt beside her.

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