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"We've got a while until Kendrick arrives so let's go hangout at the pool area." Kierra suggested. Vitani didn't argue as she followed her sister to where the Galley-La men, the straw hats, and the franky family were all hanging out.

"Vitani! Kierra!" The Galley La men waved. "Come be on our team for volleyball!"

"Volleyball?" Vitani hummed as she looked at the formation. She had Zoro, Sanji, Chimney, Gonbe and Kierra on her side with Franky workers on the opposing side.

Kierra was tossed a ball, looking over it curiously. "Is this like Deci-Deci?"

"Deci-Deci?" The Franky worker hummed as Robin yelled a yes from her seat. Vitani suddenly smirked and turned to face the net. Kierra threw the ball and leapt up, slamming her hand down so it served over. The Franky worker shanked it over, Zoro passing it to Kierra who set it. Vitani's body reappeared and disappeared, slamming the ball down onto the other opponent's side. Steam rose from the ball as she landed, Kierra leaping up and high-fiving her.

"Not fair!" the Franky worker screamed as Kierra laughed. the game continued on until at one point, Kierra set the ball to Chimney. She gave an unsure approach although as she leapt up, a gush of wind pushed her up and she spiked the wall. It slammed into the ground at unreal speed, Chimney cheering.

Vitani looked around in confusion as a laugh hit the air. She looked up to spot Kendrick on his cloud, a little ways from the court.

"Kendrick!" Kierra beamed as he drifted down and stood. He arched his back in a stretch, Vitani yanking his hair.


"It took you long enough!" She huffed. "This is important and it's almost sun-down!"

"What's going on?" Baltay hummed as he arrived on his own cloud, followed by Zeda, Marco, Chris , and Skylar.

"Where is Jace?" Kierra hummed as Baltay leapt down infront of her.

"He's sick and your mother's watching over him." He explained.

"Kendrick!!" Luffy yelled as Kendrick's ears pinned.

"Oh no..."

Luffy ran up to join them, Kendrick leaning his head back and smirking.

"What's happenin'?" He beamed, Luffy grinning.

"We made it out of Enies Lobby." He laughed, glancing back at Robin. "and we got her back too."

"Speaking of which-" Vitani grabbed his collar and threw him down, Zoro choking on his drink.

"You left us in that Navy headquarters!" she roared as he laughed.

"You're alive aren't you?"

"How could he be joking when she's so serious?!" Chopper fretted. Vitani gritted her teeth.

"And what if we got captured?!"

Kendrick's face twisted and he erupted with laughter. Kierra snorted, Vitani gritting her teeth. She shook him once.

"Kendrick, la coco nu raste satse yu. Luffy n coran de okie no lavas. (I'm talking about my crewmates. Luffy and the others aren't like us." She hissed as he threw his hands up.

"Okay! okay!" He snapped. Vitani stood and helped him up as he dusted off his coat.

"What did you call us here for?" Zeda hummed. "It seems like everything's okay to me." He winked in the direction of Franky's sisters as they giggled, Marco scoffing.

"We need your help." Kierra explained. Kendrick's eyes narrowed.


"Luffy's grandfather is Monkey D. Garp." Vitani started and as Kendrick gasped, she covered his mouth with her finger. "He told us where Oboiye was last seen with Naomi and there's a new order to kill any bounty-less opavian on sight."

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