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"Vitani!" Kierra sobbed dramatically, throwing her hand over her eyes. "It's been too long!"

"Yeah, I'm happy you're alright!" She gritted back, rubbing her short hair. "Where'd the curls go?!"

"Missy cut my hair a while ago...." She looked away as Vitani embraced her.

"But you're safe and so is everyone else!" She laughed. "Oh shoot, Everyone else!"

"What's wrong?!" Kierra whispered as Vitani looked at the entrance to the room.

"We've got to go!!" Vitani yelled as she grabbed Kierra's hand, dragging her along. "They'll Leave us!"


"Our people!" She ran up the stairs, Kierra pulling her arm.

"Wait! The rekran!"

"Where?!" Kierra led her down a hallway to a large cellar where the rekran were locked. Amongst them was Zeze, Vitani's Rekran. The Rekran were six legged beast with round snouts,four eyes, and various undertoned bellies. Zeze had thick black skin with a glowing purple underbelly and piercing blue eyes. As the cages opened, Vitani leapt onto Zeze, Kierra leaping atop of a white Rekran with a red undertone.

"Setsan, Eos!" She yapped, the pair sprinting infront the others.

They led the other Rekran from the cavern out, guns firing after them desperately. The Rekran stampeded as she ran through the village, extending her hand to pull Koko up as they passed her shop.

"You did it!" She whispered, Vitani sporting a large smirk.

The Opavian had already taken over and boarded Missy's ship, meals being handed out.

"Vitani!" A woman cried an alert as they turned, the Rekran leaping up. Vitani sat on Zeze, waiting for them to all board. Zeze lifted a baby Rekran up with her jaw before leaping onto the deck with the others. The ship's anchor was lifted as three opavian stepped forward. they raised their hands, their blue face paints glimmerings as the water rose from below the ship. The pressure pushed the ship forward as they released the water and allowed it to guide the ship from the dock. The Opavian yapped and cheered s Vitani leapt down, Zeze nuzzling against her affectionately as Kierra cheered atop of Eos.

Vitani sat beside Kierra as they ate under the night sky.

"You'll love the crew." Vitani spoke up softly. "They're good people."

"Luffy is the Captain, correct?" Kierra hummed as Vitani nodded. "That's Ace's brother." She balled her fist. "Bastard was supposed to come back for me." She hummed, Vitani looked up.

An Opavian had yapped out for their attention, presenting two new Wanted posters. Vitani's price and Kierra's prices were both totaled to 250,000,000 berries each, Kierra laughing.

"That didn't take long!" She mused as Vitani turned.

"Koko." She leapt down to the deck. "When we arrive at Alabasta, Kierra and I will depart. I need you to guide this crew."

"Where?" She whispered, Vitani placing a hand over her heart.

"Find any other Opavians in the Grand Line Who May need help. Let the word know the Opavian can't and will not be stopped. If you find Oboiye or Kendrick, tell them we're okay." She smiled faintly and turned, yawning.

"Great Fanze ((goodnight)!" She called, Kierra following instinctively. The Opavia echoed goodnight before they all lay down as well.

Once they had arrived at Alabasta, the water opavian helped steady the ship before dropping the anchor, Kierra and Vitani leaping down onto the sand on their rekran's back.

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