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Kierra sat on the camel's back in awe as Zoro lifted her and the creature with the dull side of his sword.

"He's so dumb." Vitani muttered beside Sanji. "Wasting his energy."

"Shut up!" Zoro snapped as she turned.

"Do you wanna fight?!" She roared, Zoro scoffing.

"Of course the big baby doesn't." Sanji muttered dryly, Zoro dropping the camel and Kierra before standing.

"What'd you say?" he huffed, Sanji standing as well.

"You heard me, punk." he spat the word, the two preparing to fight until Nami slammed her fist on their heads.

"Shut it!" She roared, Chopper backing up into Vitani's legs. 

"Nami's so scary sometimes..." He whimpered, Vitani humming. 

The crab had begun to slow to a casual crawl, Vivi pacing anxiously on his back.

"Chopper!" Kierra called from beside the camel. "Is there anything we can do to speed this camel up?"

"He likes dancer girls." Kierra gave a wicked grin at the response and leapt down, tearing off the large jacket she had to reveal the dancer outfit below.

Nami smirked, doing the same thing. The crab and camel both turned as the girls hugged one another, their breast pressed against each other's.

"Pincher-kun." Kierra whined, glancing back at Vitani who had her arms crossed.

"Vitani get over here!" She snapped, Vitani sticking her nose up.


"He'll go faster-"

"No!" She snapped.

"Come on Vitani-San!" Sanji waved as she rolled her eyes.


"Ugranda tefue es simo lakwa ee? (Scared he won't like you as much as me?)" Kierra snapped. Vitani rose and tore off her coat, pushing against Nami and Kierra's faces so her chest fell over their's.

"Pihcher-kun!" She smirked, Kierra gritting her teeth.

"Kaya's will, get off of me!" Kierra snapped.

"Yeah, Show off!" Nami agreed as she pulled them to her chest.


"No!" They snapped, not even realizing the crab had began running on water. The crab was beginning to sink into the oasis, Kierra looking around as the Straw Hats and Rekran fled off of it.

Chopper had already fled onto Sanji's shoulders, Vitani grabbing her coat as she slid off. Zoro took her hand before she sunk and she clung onto his back, coughing up water.

"Kierra?!" She turned, Usopp emerging with her on his back.

"I'm fine!" She coughed, Usopp grinning.

"No need to thank me!" Usopp beamed cockily as Vitani wrapped her arms around Zoro's neck. Her tail flicked water under his chin, Zoro huffing.

There was a sudden raise in the water, the crew looking back as a giant catfish appeared.

"What the-" Kierra stopped as Vivi gasped.

"This is the Sea King of the Waters, a really rare catfish species in Alabasta!" She yelled, fear riddled in her tone.

"Okay?!" Usopp yelled. "And?"

"It's favorite food is humans!" She cried, Vitani clinging onto Zoro.

"Vitani, move your arm! I can't see!" He turned as she peered up in fear. A large pack of small otters suddenly surrounded the large catfish, Vitani watching in awe as they plummeted him in kicks. Zoro finally managed to move her arm to find the catfish dead, gritting his teeth.

"What happened?" He huffed as the otters squeaked from the belly of the catfish. Zoro led her onto the fish's head where they climbed onto it, squeezing the water from her hair.

"How gross." Kierra muttered flicking her tail with water. "We're sitting on a dead fish." She opened her arms to welcome Eos onto the body, the rekran wading in the waters. It bellowed at the action, crawling onto her. The water slid off of her back, Kierra smiling. 

Chopper yelled a thank you to the otters as they dragged the fish's body to shore, the crew walking onto the shore. 

"What made them help us?" Vitani inquired, Chopper smiling. 

Karoo eventually joined them, bringing them a group of large ducks for each of the crewmembers. With their disguises and hidden faces, the crew separated into groups. Zoro took Zeze while Nami sat on Eos. Everyone else sat on their designated ducks, the baroque agents chasing after them as they separated.

Vitani and Kierra split off on their own, hiding in the shadows together.

"There weren't enough agents to chase us." Kierra whispered, slipping off her duck. Vitani leapt down and ran a gentle hand over her duck's head, closing her eyes.

"Thank you."

"We should go and help the others." Kierra noted, Vitani pinning her ears.

"No." She sat down. "Zeze and Eos are with them. The crew is strong and we shouldn't waste our energy. They'll call if they need anything."

"Aren't they our crew? We should help-"

"And risk being caught and taken in?" Vitani's gaze pierced into her sister. "That's not an option." Kierra paced anxiously as Vitani waited in silence. In the distance there was a throaty call, Kierra leaping up.

"That's Eos-"

"Go." She hummed. Kierra nodded and rushed through the city, listening to the fighting in the distance. She leapt through a broken wall, staring forward at Nami who was impaled by a woman whos body had transformed into spikes. 

"Back off!" Kierra sprinted before the woman to draw her fist back, slamming it into the cheek of the woman. She shot back into the side of a building, clay shifting out of the ground to cradle Nami's body.

"Kierra.." She whispered, Kierra turning. Her ear twitched and she ran towards Nami.

"Nami!" She knelt down beside her. "Are you Alright?" The woman was slowly recovering out of the hole in the building, Kierra scoffing as she looked back. 

"Who is she?"

"Ms. Doublefinger. She works with Crocodile."

"Damn brat." She snapped and stood. "I'll kill you both!"

"You got a plan of some sort?" Kierra murmured as Nami nodded.

"I do....How were you able to find me?"

"Eos." She hummed, looking back at the rekran as if remembering she was there. She was laying weakly on the ground, impaled in numerous places. Kierra rushed over to her, dropping to her knees.

"Eos." She whispered, Doublefinger cackling.

"Your little pet got in the way." She teased, Kierra turning.

She lifted her hand, rocks extruding out of the ground and as she clenched her fist, they enclosed around Ms. Doublefinger's legs. 

Doublefinger gasped, the spikes she created breaking the rock although it took her attention long enough for Kierra to leap out of the ground behind her.

"She traveled through the ground." Nami whispered, Kierra delivering a vicious kick that sent Ms.Doublefinger through multiple buildings. Kierra panted and looked up, balling her fist before kneeling beside Eos.

"Chopper!" Kierra cried.

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